Chapter Fifteen

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"Nothing, I told you what happened" I say, avoiding the incident which happened with Max.

"Evanna I know when you lie" He says raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not lying, I actually hit it on a door" I say.

"Evanna, I will not have you lying to me" Vince states crossing his arms.

"But I'm not!" I shout, I have really had enough now.

"Go to your room. I don't want to see you for the rest of the day" Vince says shaking his head.

"What? Why?"'I say.

"For one, you do not shout at me" he says "and secondly I know your lying and I do not appreciate that, so until you are ready to tell me the truth you will stay in your room" he states.

"But I-"

"No Evanna, I will not tolerate this! Now get to your room" he interrupts.

"But Vinceeee" I whine.

"Evanna!" He shouts and I immediately freeze. Vince has never shouted at me and my god it's scary "I will not listen to you whining, now get upstairs before I drag you up there" he adds.

I huff and grab my bowl. I storm up the stairs, purposely making sure it thuds on each step. I walk to my room and slam the door hard. I'll show him an attitude.

Then a idea popped into my head, I'm going to go to the third floor. I want to find out what their business is.

A small smirk covers my lips as I tiptoe out of my room, I walk down the long haul towards the flight of stairs which leads to the business floor.

I slowly walk up the stairs, placing hardly any weight on them in the hopes that they won't make any noise.

I walk out onto the office floor and sneak around it, looking for clues that would reveal what their business is.

A few footsteps could be heard behind me, my hearts starts racing as my eyes dart around for a place to hide. Once I realise there is no where to hide I decide to risk it by running into the nearest office.

Thankfully when I enter there is no body sat at the desk. However my heart jumps when I realise who's office I am in.

'Vince Valentino' is written on a small plaque on the office desk.

Shit. I run behind the couch and pray that he doesn't walk in here. But my luck wasn't with me today and Vince walks in.

I hold my breath and duck my head further down, hoping he wouldn't see me when he walks past. He sits at his chair and sighs, the phone beside him starts ringing and he picks it up.

"Vince speaking" he says in a low voice. 

I smile slightly, maybe this is how I'll find out what their business is.

"Is the deal done?" He asks.

"No? What do you mean they wouldn't hand over the money?" He says raising his voice.

"Alessandro, I'm counting on you to deal with them. If it's needed you know what to do" Vince speaks.

"Alessandro, I will call you back. There seems to be something unwanted in my office" he says.

My body freezes, how did he know I was here, I'm going to be in so much trouble.

"Evanna get from behind that couch" Vince says.

I decide not to move, maybe if I don't move, he won't know I'm here.

"Evanna, I won't ask again" he says irritation laces his voice "there is a camera right above your head. I know your there" he adds.

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