Chapter Eighteen

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The sound of constant beeps bring me out of my slumber. I open my heavy eyes to reveal bright white walls. Where am I? I glance around some more and spot Blake fast asleep on a near by couch.

I'm in hospital.

Memories of what feel like yesterday flood my mind. Who found me? I wonder.

Blake stirs awake, his eyes meet mine and his face lights up.

"Evanna" he exclaims, a large smile makes its way on to his face.

He has big, dark bags under his eyes. Like he hasn't slept for a long time.

He rushes over, carefully bringing me into a hug.

"Are you in any pain?" He asks.

"No, I'm fine" I croak out.

"Let me get you some water" he says, he walks out of the room but quickly reappears with a small plastic cup filled with water.

He places in a straw and brings it to my mouth.

"Small sips sorella" he states.

I obey what he says and take small sips of water, which felt like heaven.

Blake pulls out his phone and dials someone's number, I assume one of my brothers.

"Hello" he speaks.

"Yes Vince, Evanna's awake" he says, excitement shines through his voice.

"Yes, okay, I'll see you all soon" he finishes, hanging up the phone.

Blake turns to me, pulling a chair up beside me. He gently places his hand over mine, he looks and me and smiles.

"I'm so glad your awake bambina. You gave us quite a scare" he chuckles.

"Sorry" I mumble.

"No, no it's not your fault" he reassures, giving my hand a small squeeze.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"Umm" he checks his phone "around a week" he says with a sad smile.

My eyes grow wide. A week! It only felt like it happened yesterday.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yep" he answers "a week"

I stare at him in shock, that's a long time to be out for. Then a wave of embarrassment hits me.

The door to my hospital rooms opens and my five other brothers walk in. Each one has a mixed expression on their faces. A mixture of stress and joy.

"Evanna, how are you feeling?" Vince asks walking up to my side. He too has dark bags under his eyes.

"I'm okay" I say.

"Bambina you had us all so worried" Grayson says in relief.

"Sorry" I say.

Blake sends me a look "I already told you not to apologise" he says.

"Are you hungry or anything Evanna, do you want something light?" Vince asks.

To be honest I am a little hungry, but do I really want to be eating right now? I decide to just go for something small.

"Can I have something small, I'm not really hungry" I reply.

"Okay, well we will go get you something. Rocco, mind staying here with your sister?" Vince says.

My heart skips a few beats. No, no, no anyone but Rocco. I sigh this is going to be so awkward.

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