Part two - Chapter Eighteen

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Evanna's pov

Everything aches, they haven't stopped.

I really hope my brothers are on their way, I really can't deal with this anymore. I've tried to fight back but that's only gotten me beat worse.

Adrian walks back into the small cell, with a large smirk on his face he sits down in front of me.

"Well Evanna, I have something to tell you" he says.

"What" I snap.

"Now, now" he says "enough of that little attitude. Otherwise, I can bring Tyler and Max back in" he adds.

I immediately close my mouth, not wanting this to go on any longer.

"So" he pauses "yesterday, I gave your brothers a little offer. It was either to come and save you or sacrifice themselves. I gave them three days, they still haven't given me a answer" he says, inching closer to me.

He pulls out a knife and aims it towards my face.

"I also mentioned that I would kill you if they don't reply" he says darkly "guess your brothers don't love you as much as you think"

"They'll come" I say, staring into his eyes "they still have a day" I add.

He hums "they better hurry up, as soon as that clock hits 12am, you're precious little life will be over"

"They'll come" I repeat.

"You wanna hope so милая" he says
(Sweetheart / dear)

I don't reply but just glare.

Adrian looks down at his watch and glances back up to me.

"Your brothers have 12 hours" he says with a smirk.

I nod my head and look away.

"While we wait, why don't we play a game?" he asks.

I shake my head, I didn't like these 'games' that Adrian liked to play.

He drags over the small wooden chair that he was previously sat on. He sits down very close to me and places his hands in my chin, turning me so that I face him.

"I want to learn about your big brother Vincent, so you're gonna answer all of my questions" he says, he begins flipping the knife between his fingers "other wise, this little beauty is going do a few jobs for me" he adds, nodding at the knife.

I gulp and nod.

"Let's start with basic information, you know, name, age, birthday and all of that jazz" he says.

"Umm, V-Vincent Va-alentino, he's 27 a-and his b-birthday is the 5th of January"  I stutter out, staring wide eyed at the knife.

"Okay good" he says "I want to know what his main businesses are" he adds.

"I-I don't know" I say.

Adrian moves the knife towards my leg, he places the blade on top of my leg, allowing it to poke in slightly

"Remember what I said" he says.

"I honestly don't know!" I plead "I only found out about the mafia a few weeks ago" I say.

He digs in the blade a little more, causing me to yelp out in pain.

"Stop lying" he snaps.

"I-I'm not lying, I swear" I cry out "please stop, it's hurting"

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