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"The exam is today, do you know how freaked out I am?!" Safa exaggerates at this point, she had forgotten she had a test for her biology class and now she's in a panic.

What's worse is that I and Hania are not in her class, so we will not be taking the same exam as her, yet.

"You'll be fine." Hania tries to reassure her, laying her hand on her shoulder. Squeezing Safa's shoulder for comfort.

Safa still seems to be in a worry, it's natural and I would probably be the same if I ever found out I had an exam the day before it was happening.

Safa sighs, as she walks into her class. "Insha'Allah (God willing)." We hear her mumble underneath her breath.

Hania and I walk over to our class, "Have you asked Daniel yet?" She asks me straight away, out of the blue too.

I raise my eyebrow at her, "Um...?" I pretend to have no clue what she's going on about.

She rolls her eyes at me, "You know what I'm talking about." She clarifies as I gulp out of nervousness.

I shake my head, "I haven't seen him recently, he said he's been busy."

It is the truth. Daniel and I haven't seen each other in a couple of days due to him being busy. Today will be the first day that I've seen him in a while.

"You'll be seeing him today!" She reminds me to which I smile at her.

I do want to see Daniel and quite frankly I have missed him and his playful self.

"I can already see the excitement within you." Hania mentions, as she opens the door to our first class.

I notice Daniel from the other corner of the room, sitting in the seat next to mine. He looks up directly making eye contact with me making my stomach do somersaults at just the sight of him.

I take a seat, as I open up my notebook ready to track down some new notes before we have our exam next week.

"Hey partner." Daniel whispers quietly, sending chills down my spine.

I look at him, "Hey."

He grins which makes my heart awe. That simple facial expression of his will always take my breath away.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been able to see you. I just needed to sort some things out." He clarifies.

I raise my eyebrow at him, "Is everything okay?"

He gulps, I already know his answer but it's up to him whether he opens up about it or not.

"You can tell me." I hold his hand, squeezing it for comfort hoping he would understand and let me in.

Quickly, I take a glance at our professor. Supposedly, we are supposed to be talking with our partners anyway.

He sighs sadly, which makes my heart feel as though it has broken into a thousand pieces already.

"My mother." He gulps, "She died last week."

I gasp at the sudden information, he must be in pain right now. And on top of that, it seems as though he is hiding it away.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." I feel terrible for him, his facial expression says it all. How upset he is and why he is.

I hold both his hands now, circling my thumb around the top of his hand to make him feel somewhat comfortable.

"It's just...that I tend to go to a dark place within my family. I have never told anyone about this." He looks up at me, he's trusting me and that makes me feel happy. "My mother was the only one who supported me in my life." He states. "She understood and took care of me, now she's gone just like that." He says the last bit quietly.

He's accepted that his mother has passed but he's not ready to let her go.

"I completely understand." I whisper quietly.

His eyes light up, "You do?"

I nod in response, as I tug at him holding him in my arms.

It's extremely brave to attend university in such a tough time like his right now. He seems to be getting along fine on the outside but I know deep down inside he's hurting.

"Everything's going to be okay." I run my hand through his hair, hoping to bring down the tense and pain within himself.

That's when I wonder, hoping he won't bring any pain to himself.

I was planning on speaking about marriage today with him, but with sudden news like this it would be rude too.

"My father blames me for the death of my mother though." He sighs once again. I move away from him listening to everything that he says. "The doctor told her from when she gave birth to me that she will continue to have complications throughout her life, one day leading to her ultimate death."

Not only does his father blame him, but he blames himself too.

"You are not to be blamed." I pause, holding the weak eye contact between us. "Your mother would never blame you for her reason of death. Your father is just upset and worrie—" Suddenly, I am cut off.

"He isn't." Daniel looks down. "He isn't worried or upset. He's frustrated and angry with me. I've always been a mistake to him, he's always blamed me for everything." He states, I can see a rising anger within Daniel.

To be honest, I have never seen a furious Daniel and I'm scared that will come out at some point because I have no idea what he is capable of.

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- A/N -

Poor Daniel, he's going through a hard time 🥺

Thank you for your endless support on my first story!! I hope you guys are enjoying the storyline so far, please vote & comment so I know how you feel about it! (:

Next update : Monday 25th May 2020

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