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Daniel's always been a fast learner - not to mention a memorable learner too. His focus is better than mine! Half the time he is messing around, but I know that he is focusing some way or another.

"So what we have isn't allowed until we're married?" He sneaks up behind me, as he snakes his arms around my waist.

I take in his smell as I grin, nodding my head at his question.

He flips me around to face him, it takes me by surprise at how fast his movements are sometimes.

"Wow." He seems overloaded with information, as I giggle at him.

I've spent the last week or so, explaining everything about Islam. If there were things I was unsure about, I would first clarify with a religious leader. We spent mostly last week at the Mosque, delving deeper into Islam.

I am very thankful to be apart of such a wonderful religion. My life is based around my religion and I wouldn't have it any other way.

This week though, we have exams coming our way. I have been studying consistently, but knowing Hania she only studies a couple of days before the exams. I never complain at her though, that is what works for her and she still gets the grades she wants.

"Now, we need to study for our exams." I grin.

He sighs, disappointed. "I genuinely wanted to learn more." His facial expression changes immediately as he gives me one of his charming smiles which makes all of the girls fall for his charm, embarrassing as it may be... I'm one of those girls!

Daniel and I have been getting along well recently, we've been great in fact. I met his father last week and gave him my condolences for Daniel's mother. You can feel the missing spark within their home, it saddens me.

Daniel tries to convince me a lot that he is fine, over the death of his mother. However, I know deep down he's still hurt. I catch him out sometimes, when he loses himself in his own train of thought. I wonder to myself, what could he be thinking at this moment?

It doesn't happen often but when it does, I squeeze his hand letting him know I'm right here for anything.

There are many things that have to be done quickly, but this week is full of exams and I don't want to do anything but focus on that.

"We have four exams this week?" Daniel sounds surprised, he raises his eyebrows at me.

I nod at him, "Lucky us!" Sarcasm fills the air.

"Dr Phillips is really trying to kill us. Maybe killing us this way is easier." He thinks for a moment. I look up at him, furrowing my brows together.

This boy says anything. Whether it makes sense or not.

"Easier this way? I'm sure she isn't trying to kill us." I chuckle lightly.

"Inaya, she probably hates me by now. I pay barely any attention in any lecture of hers." He confesses, I know he's just saying this to please his ego.

But I've seen him, I've seen the hardcore focus within him when we're actually sitting in our lecture.

"Mhm." I mumble sarcastically.

"What was that, Inaya?" My name rolls of his tongue perfectly, making my legs feel like jelly.

He takes a step closer to me, as a gulp of nervousness takes over me. "N-nothing."

His hot breath fans over my face, making my heart skip a beat even faster now.

He tilts his head down at me, a smirk plastered on his lips. As he takes a look at my lips once more, before smashing his lips against mine.

The kiss is passionate, fiery and hot. I try to keep in time with him, he is much more experience than I am. I hear a slight chuckle from him as if he can hear my thoughts.

I lay my forehead against his, I notice a change in him for a moment.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, genuinely concerned for him.

He shakes his head, sitting on a stool beside me. I take a step back from him as I wait for him to say something. Something more to explain himself.

I want him to feel as though he can explain everything and anything to me. That we can be open with each other; no secrets.

"You remind me of my mother." He chuckles slightly. "She was caring, kind and gentle just like you." He whispers almost, I can hear the slight crack in his voice.

He must miss her a lot.

"She would be so proud of you right now." I hold his hand in mine, massaging the back of his hand with my thumb.

He looks up at me grinning, with one of his devilish smiles.

• • •

Our first exam is tomorrow for me and Hania. Safa had already sat her exams, she's taken a few days off before the actual holidays begin for us which only lasts two weeks.

Safa's actually going on holiday on the days she's taken off. She will be getting her exam results the same time as Hania and I.

"Are we feeling prepared for tomorrow?" I ask Hania as I hold her hand in mine.

Hania tends to be like the 'cool' one but deep down inside, I know she's freaking out as much as I am.

She nods at me, a little too quickly to which I catch her by surprise. Raising my eyebrow at her, she lays her head on my shoulder.

"I should study like you do. I should pay more attention to my religion. I should be like you. You're an amazing role model!" She concludes, I shake my head at her.

She looks at me, as she sits back in her seat upright.

I'm totally the wrong candidate here, I'm still trying to get marriage into the picture between me and Daniel but I have no idea whether he wants it or not.

So the relationship I have with Daniel is just confusing. If there is no meaning to be married, then what is the point?

"Daniel and you will be getting married at some point." She states, clarifying my thoughts.

I shrug, unsure what to say.

Quickly, I change the subject not wanting either us to feel any sadness. Especially, at a time where we need to have full focus and preparation for exams.

"We're going to do amazing! I know it!" A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

"I hope so." Hania mumbles, as I hold her in my arms.

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- A/N -

Surprise chapter! 🦋

Hania is literally a mood 😂

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Next update : Friday 29th May 2020

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