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• • •

The evening comes by, Hania and Safa ask me about a thousand times if they should stay with me and every time I say no to them, but they still insist that they will, which ends up with me rolling my eyes at them. I do appreciate it though, I really don't deserve them. Yusuf came back home, I asked him what he had done but he refused to say anything.

"So Uncle, how was the trip?" Hania asks, as she helps me cook by chopping some onions.

"Alhumdulillah, it all went well. In fact, I've got massive contracts and deals which went through!" He exclaims happily.

"That's amazing." My voice quietly says.

My dad takes a minute to look over at me, he's been doing this all day. He knows there's something up but he's unsure to ask, he doesn't know whether to ask because he knows that I'll probably end up in tears once again.

"Are you okay, beti?" He finally says what he has wanted to say the entire day, to which Hania and Safa give me an intense stare, waiting for my answer.

I nod at him after a few seconds, a sigh of relief escaping my trembling lips.

"Want me to help?" Safa asks, as she puts the tomatoes into my pan that I am preparing for my father.

My father makes his way to the dining table and so do we, as we sit down putting the food onto the table.

"Salaam!" I hear my mother's familiar voice from the front door making me smile.

"Salaam!" I shout back to her, to which she laughs at me.

She sits by the table, catching up with my father before the rest of us sit down ready to eat.

"It's so nice to have you girls here to eat dinner with us." My mother tells Hania and Safa.

Yusuf clears his throat for some reason, making all eyes avert at him. I raise my eyebrow at him, there's something fishy going on.

It finally hits me! He has a thing for Hania!

I look over at Hania, smirking as she rolls her eyes at me. She knows exactly what I am thinking of.

I nudge Safa, "She has a thing for Yusuf!" I whisper.

Safa gasps quietly, "I knew there was something there!" She whispers quietly back at me.

I smirk over at Yusuf, to which he shrugs his shoulders laughing. My eyes widen, he totally just clarified that as a yes!

"I agree!" Looking over at my mother, I nod my head at her to which she grins back at me.

She takes a longer look at me though for some reason as she points at her eye, indicating that I should take a look at mine.

Crap! I didn't cover up my sort of swollen eye, it's mostly gone but there's only a little bit of swelling left.

"I had gotten an invite." My father starts, "An invite to an engagement."

Yusuf suddenly interrupts, "I know abu, it's fine we won't atten—" He's cut off.

"The engagement is tomorrow in fact, we will attend because they are one of my colleagues and this contract is very precious to my company." My father states, as he grins at all of us.

I nod at him agreeing with him, "I don't see any problem, so why not?"

He smiles at me, as he looks over at my mother. My mother nods, agreeing and Yusuf seems to be in denial for no reason?

"Yusuf come on! It'll be good!" My mother tells Yusuf, to which he sighs shaking his head as he looks up at my dad.

"Fine." He mumbles, as he picks up his plate and walks towards the kitchen.

What's his problem?

"You two girls are definitely coming with us!" My mother clarifies to Hania and Safa to which they both nod excited as much as I am.

A question arises on my mind, "Abu, do you have the engagement card?"

He takes a moment to think, before nodding eagerly as he passes me the card. I open it slowly in front of everyone.

Once I take out the card, which is beautifully decorated. I flip it open to see if it's anyone I know of, to which I open it looking at both Hania and Safa.

My heart clenches at my chest, as it feels as though everything has shattered around me. My own heart breaks once again, is that even possible?

How much can my heart take?

How many heart breaks can it go through?

I gulp as I look over at Yusuf, knowing exactly why he was turning down the engagement. He sighs, as he stands up ready to comfort me.

My head starts to spin for a moment, as I feel everything tense around me.

Safa squeezes my shoulder, as I manage to regain control not wanting to fall unconscious once again.

Hania and Safa read the name and they both widen their eyes, as I put the card back into the envelope before passing it back to my parents.

"That is lovely, we'll definitely go tomorrow." I don't know why I am trying to break my heart even more from the way it is shattered right now, if that is even possible?

Looking over at Yusuf, I feel tears build up in my eyes.

The card had the one and only Daniel Malik's name.

• • •

It's the evening of the engagement, the night to which I will be even more broken and I probably will never be able to pick myself up from this fall.

"We can cancel it." Yusuf reminds me, he's upset because he didn't tell me beforehand.

"You came home before dad, you could have said anything!" I remind him, he shakes his head.

"Do you see how much pain was going through you? You were broken. I didn't want to add any more to it."

I understand Yusuf's point, he didn't want me to get hurt anymore than I already was. But what was the point? When he knew I would eventually find out, one way or another?

I shake my head at him, "I'm sorry. I'm just—" Yusuf cuts me off, as he hugs me in his arms.

I weep, letting my tears fall free as I manage to see an image of Daniel, him getting married but I will not be the girl who he marries. I will not be the girl who he spends the rest of his life with, I prepared myself months back for a heartbreak. But was I ready for it? Honestly, I never was and now someone else will be married to him.

That will be someone else.

It has always been someone else.

I wish I wasn't this blind, but I guess that is what love does. It works in mysterious ways, ways which can either make you or break you.

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- A/N -

Surprise chapter! 🤩

I want to beat Daniel up myself, who wants to join me? 😤

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Next update : Wednesday 10th June 2020

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