Chapter 10: Shells town! Save Captain Carly!

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Zoro's POV
After hours of sailing back we arrived at the place where I was kept tied to some wood, shells town. There's no way that those marines would let us be here, so we did our best to not be seen. We snuck up to the yard and I felt sad as I watched Carly try to wiggle out of the ropes holding her to the post. Luffy ran over to her before I could stop him. That's idiots gonna get himself caught.
"Hey Carly!" Luffy yelled loud enough for us to hear as we snuck closer. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with fear.
"What are you doing here!" She whispered angrily, "you're gonna get yourself killed." Nami, Usopp, and I came out from behind the bushes and her mouth fell open.
"Do you guys have a death wish or something!" She asked, her voice gradually getting louder. Luffy laughed at her comment,
"Of course not! We are here to save you!" He whispered excitedly. She shook her head and looked down at the ground.
"No you have to leave... you have to or they'll kill you" she mumbled while looking back up straight past everyone else and into my eyes. I smiled and walked up to her.
"Look, when it comes to friends. You can count on us to risk our lives." I explained. Her mad expression dropped at the word friends. Her eyes looked like they were fighting off tears before she looked back down at the dusty ground.
"As flattered as I am to have to try to save my life, I'm not okay with my friends dying for me." She paused for a second before continuing, "so please... just let me handle this and if I have to die, at least I'll die knowing that people actually cared about me." We all stared before Luffy smiled.
"I understand completely! Sometimes people have to fix their own mistakes, but know that we will be close by if you really need us!" He exclaimed while starting to walk back to the wall we climbed over. We all went to walk back together before I heard Carly say my name. I turned around and raised an eyebrow. Her cool demeanor started to fade as I stared at her which made her look a bit nervous.
"Just in case this.. this is goodbye, I, um, wanted to tell you something very important." She stuttered while trying to speak. I smiled softly at her and laughed,
"Go ahead, I'm listening" I answered as her face started turning pink.
"About all that stuff I said and did.. like.. trying to kill you and stuff. I wanted to apologize. I kinda tried to put up an act hoping that you wouldn't think that I was weak, but I kinda went to far." She explained. I rubbed the back of my neck and chuckled,
"It's fine, people try to kill me all the time. I won't take anything that happened to heart." I started to back up, thinking that was all she wanted to say, but she stopped me with more words.
"Zoro I.... I've never said this to anybody because I've never felt the way that I do around you. I feel happy around you, like not in a way that I would usually feel happy! I... ugh, wish that this wasn't so hard to tell you, but I kinda have to knowing that I might die soon.." she blurted while blushing softly. I frowned,
"You can tell me whatever you want, don't feel like you can't." I replied really wanting to know what was coming next. I put my hands on my hips and leaned since I was getting tired of standing, but I turned sideways when I heard someone yelling. Morgan... the man who tired to kill me was standing far away from us and on his way over. I looked at Carly urgently to let her know to hurry it up, but she just smiled as a tear fell down her cheek.
"Go" she whispered as Morgan came more into sight. I frowned, I didn't wanna leave, but I didn't wanna hurt Carly. I backed up and got back up over the wall while staring at the tear that hit the ground.

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