Chapter 7

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Lonely confused and lost. Chan thought everything was fine but it wasn't. He thought him and Minho would go back to normal but now all Minho cared about was the person who he was talking to over the phone.

A person who hated technology was now engrossed in their phone due to one being that wasn't Chan. This made his blood boil.

He would see Minho laughing at his phone and being happy. Today he even dressed up to meet a friend. The guys who wears whatever and still looks good tried to dress up for a human which wasn't Chan.

No stop Chan thought he was overthinking he was falling for the voices but he didn't want to be the one digging his own grave. He wanted to freeze his thoughts. He didn't speak up as he knew that Minho was very fragile and he didn't want to be the cause of his pain.

But he was sad. Not because Minho was happy but because in the years that they were married he could never make Minho smile like this. They loved each other no doubt but was that love becoming one sided.

What about Changbin? He can't exactly leave him. Even if he doesn't love Chan anymore he couldn't leave Binnie after everything the kid had been through at a young age.

This thought brought the bare minimum amount of peace to Chan but it was better than nothing.


(A month later)

It was almost Changbin's birthday and Minho still had a lot of prep left to do. 'Calm down Min we will get through this together as brothers' a voice said from behind, it was Jisung. His new found little brother.

Tomorrow was Jisung's 26th birthday. He said he never celebrated him birthday and Minho was going to change that. He was stressed about Bin's birthday but he was also worried about Ji's [wow I really have a thing for nicknames huh] he chuckled as he thought.

Tomorrow he was gonna take Ji out to dinner then they were gonna celebrate the night as brothers. They were gonna go star gazing and then to Minho's dance venue and they would dance until they drop. And they would end the night by releasing exactly one hundred balloons from the sky on top of one of the highest buildings in Australia. Even though he was scared of the mere presence of a balloon he knew Ji loved them and be was ready to be selfless for his brother.

I am so excited for to tomorrow. But for now he had to head home for a days rest before the kind day ahead tomorrow.

He was gonna make it extra special as it would also mark one month since they first met in person. He only saw Ji once in the hospital and then he had to go home. He had the whole house decorated for him but they never came back. Not his mum, now his dad nor baby Ji. He almost started crying. He waited for them for how long. One hour,one day ,one week ,one month, one year. And now after all these years he had found the part of him which was buried with his parents.


(The next day)

Today Chan had, had enough. He was going to follow Minho who was yet again going out with this mysterious friend surprise surprise.

I hate my jealous ass sometimes but I have had enough like I am human I only have so much patience before I burst. Plus they told me it was right. The dark hollow whispers in my head told me that I was doing the right thing and that he shouldn't be lead on by fake hope.

It was 7:30 Minho said he would be late back and I shouldn't wait for him. I can hear the engine he if off. Okay now I just have to get in my car and follow him easy right?

I had find my iPhone so I could find him easily. Dang it! There is so much traffic. I hate traffic! I have an idea now about I park somewhere like a coffe shop and wait till he reaches his destination then I can see if there are any short cuts there.

About almost 20 mins later Minho finally stops at one of the most fancy restaurant in Sidney. There was A short cut but it would take him 15 mins to get there.

Finally he was there. The waiters recognised him as Christopher the business man and immediately asked him how many people.

'I already have a table' I replied. I asked where the table for Lee Know was booked and was escorted upstairs. I was coming closer to their table when I see him giving the man a gift. It was a matching watch with his. And then within seconds they were hugging each other.

He felt a tear burn down his face like acid. He wanted to wake up from this nightmare. But he couldn't as this nightmare was called life and only death could wake you up from it.

'I love you Ji and I am never letting you go' 'I love you to Min thank you so much'

He walked up closer and pulled Minho away. He slapped Minho with all his might. 'C-c-chan what are you doing here' Minho said.

He was broken and he wanted the ground to swallow him.


I was amazed. How did he remember my birthday I didn't even remember it. I love him to but his my bro and he more than I could ever ask for. He gave me a gift-a matching watch god we are such brother goals ew I am so cringe sometimes actually scrap that all the time.

I was excited to see what else the night had in store.

I was so happy I pulled Min into a warm hug. I felt loved, I felt family and I felt warmth. I was on top of the moon and I had my brother with me.

He told me he loved me and I returned the word when he was suddenly pulled away from me harshly. Umm should I be worried? Stupid question of course I should. But Minho seemed to recognise the man. I thought if things escalated I would step in. Then the man slapped Minho, I was now red with anger.

I had awards in MMA (mixed martial arts) he was about to attack when Minho stopped him with his hand. 'No it's fine don't worry I am sorry about this'


I was now dead confused. First Chan turns up and then he pulls me away and then he slaps me. Am I crazy or have I done something wrong? Like air and dang minute back up.

I sense that Ji is about to attack so I tell him to stop. It was actually kinda funny I didn't think they would meet like this.

'Channie what's wrong, and what's with the slap it everything okay'

Jisung was now confused as ever. Channie?

'Wait is it Changbin, is he okay what's wrong how come you are here and why didn't you tell me you were coming speak to me. And why do you look so angry you know when your angry it turns me on and stop it right now' he continued his motherly/wifey side kicking in.

Aaah Changbin so this was Minho's husband.

'Stop it Min, oh wait I forgot that right was taken always from me and given to this idiot. So Minho' he said stressing his name 'stop acting like you care, about me and about Binnie'

Minho was just left speechless at the words he was hearing.

Can I delete this book?
Idk I feel like I messed up big one with this book. I am not gonna ramble on about how I hate my writing coz honestly I do like my writing but I feel like the book was rushed let me know your opinion do you like where it's going so far.
Also stay safe and have a great day
Peace ✌️

Oh and one last thing none of the chap are edited/ proof read sorry.

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