Chapter fourteen

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I thought I was dreaming. Was Bane really here? If I'm dreaming I hope I never wake up; I felt safe. My body ached, and I needed to take a long shower, but with Bane here I actually felt like I was strong.

I watched as Bane shifted into his wolf, and attacked the men. One would think Bane was being cruel, but I wanted him to hurt them; the things they said, and did to me really did hurt me.

Banes wolf was a beautiful sight, he moved with ease, his muscles flexed each time he would move.

I remember how yesterday I thought I would never see him again. I was disappointed in myself for not giving him a chance to treat me like he would treat any other mate. The most we'd do is talk, but that was going to change, I was going to let myself open up to him.

Bane stood over one of the men while another wolf held the second man down. The second wolf was beautiful, and big, but it didn't come close to the beauty of Banes wolf.

When Bane lowered his head next to the hunters head I didn't think he was going to bite into his neck, but that's exactly what he did; yes I hated these men, but did they deserve to die? Being so weak I couldn't stand up, and try to stop Bane, instead I just lowered my head, and closed my eyes.


I looked up, and saw a very beautifully naked Bane standing over me. My cheeks burned with embarrassment; dear God was he trying to kill me? He chuckled, and ordered someone to throw him a pair of shorts. I was grateful when a pair for black shorts hit him in the chest. Letting out a breath of relief I met his state.

"I'm going to pick you up. There's a car outside; it'll take us home."

I nodded knowing that there was no way I could walk to the car.

Bane's embrace was so warm I couldn't help but snuggle into his body. Once we were settled in the car, Alex began driving while Bane sat in the back with me. He placed a kiss on my forehead, and continued to apologize. When I looked up at him I noticed the anger, and sadness that burned in his eyes.

Placing my hands on his cheeks, and forcing him to look down at me I whispered, "You saved me Bane. You have nothing to be sorry for."

Aw I love them!

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