Chapter twenty two

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Before you all start reading I just wanted to take a second to thank every single one of you for being here.

None of my stories have ever been so popular on here, and the fact that I'm getting so many views, comments and votes on this certain story makes me so happy.

I'm so lucky to have readers like all of you, so thank you for giving me and my story a chance!

Now here you go...




One word could define how it felt to wake up in Bane's arms the next day.


Last night was the greatest night of my entire life. I didn't regret anything that happened, Bane was an amazing guy.

I ran my index finger up his arm that was draped over my stomach just to see if he was really asleep; not getting a reaction out of him I slowly moved his arm off my body.

Taking pride in managing to move it without waking him up. I smiled smugly at his sleeping form, and slid out of bed, cringing when I felt how sore I was between my legs. Just as I took my first step I was pulled back in bed.

"Dammit Bane I have to pee."

"So you weren't trying to run away?" His face was shoved between my neck and shoulder where he had marked me last night.

I shivered when he kissed the mark.

"If I wanted to run away I would have ran a long time ago."

As if realizing that his arms loosened, but he continued caressing my neck with opened mouthed kisses.

"I miss you."

"Bane I've been here with you all night."

"I know, but we lost time together while we slept. I can think of a couple ways to make up that time."

His lower half was shoved against my thigh. I groaned when I considered making up for our lost time. Remembering just how badly I needed to pee I tried getting out of his arms.

"We can have a repeat of last night after I pee." I almost moaned when he bit down slightly.

Using my free hand I grabbed his face, and smiled when I saw the innocent look he was giving me.

"You up for a shower?" I winked and jumped out of bed, hearing his footsteps behind me.

"Oh yeah baby I'm always up for you."

He had to go there, didn't he?

Laughing at the double meaning of his words I finished my business and unlocked the door for him to come in.


After a very long steamy shower Bane insisted we go explore the area.

We were at a mall, and even though I explained over and over again that I didn't need anything from here he told me he wanted to buy me everything he thought would suit me.

"Let me spoil you. You deserve everything."

I couldn't even count the amount of times he'd said that today. I understood that he wanted to buy me whatever he thought I'd like, but I was never the type of girl who enjoyed shopping.

"Bane I want to go lay on the beach, I think all I need now is a natural tan, and you can't buy me that."

Knowing that I had got to him I mentally gave myself a pat on the back.

My toes curled beneath the warm sand. I was enjoying the peace and quiet. Bane had gone back to our room to grab the sun screen because according to him "my skin was delicate and would end up getting fried by the sun."

He was a dork, but he was my dork.

While Bane took his sweet time rubbing my back I couldn't help but think that I was actually lucky when he chose me to be his mate.

All he wanted to do was please me, he was patient, sweet, and caring, half the guys back home would have just loved to get in my pants and dump me right away, but Bane was different.



"I just want to thank you for.. everything... I never knew you were like this. I was under the impression that you were some kind of monster. I'm sorry for judging you before giving you a chance-"

"Stella I should be thanking you for giving me the opportunity to prove myself to you. You're the reason I'm like this. I care about you more than I've ever cared about anyone else, and I know this may scare you, because I know it might be to soon, but I love you Stella. I'm proud of you for being strong enough to put up with me and my baggage."


Love was such a powerful word. The only people I'd ever said the words "I love you" to were my parents.

I was frozen in my spot. Love. Not just a word, but an emotion that was so strong. I didn't even know how to respond. I knew I was developing feelings for Bane, but did I love him?

"You don't have to say anything back yet. I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to me. I love you and I'm not ashamed of it!"

Still not knowing what to say I turned around and hugged him. I may not love Bane yet, but he sure as hell deserved to know he meant something to me.


If only he were real. I'd take him and make him mine.

-Sarah ❤️

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