Chapter 1

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It's amazing how much can change in just a year.

Some relationships blossom, others die out. New lives are created, others taken away.

There is no telling what may happen in this roller coaster that we call life and if there is anything that my 20 short years have taught me, it is that life is precious.

You need to seize the moment and not dwell on the past for the past is just that. No matter how much you may want it to, history has no need to repeat so why bother holding onto it?

Watching my mother become herself again was something I never imagined would ever happen, yet here she is, sitting with Amanda and joking around as they coo over the newest addition to the family.

Family is a true blessing, one that we often take for granted. As much as I resent some people, namely my father, without him I would not be the person that I am today. I would not be sitting here, surrounded by the people I love. I would not be me.

My mother looks up as a chorus of banging erupts from the kitchen followed by a loud "Fuck!"

I chuckle to myself as she looks at me concerned.

"You should probably check on him dear, he sounds like he might need some help." she says to me.

I nod, "If I don't we will never be getting dinner." I laugh as I get up and venture into the kitchen where Joe is kneeling down picking up every pot and pan we own from the kitchen floor.

He looks up at me when I walk in, the crease between his eyebrows prominent, a clear sign of his stress.

"Do you need a hand?" I ask, kneeling down beside him and reaching out to pick up a saucepan.

His hand catches mine and lifts it to his mouth and he plants a kiss on it and shakes his head. "Don't you worry love, I've got this all under control. It's your birthday, go relax."

I chuckle, "All under control, eh? Is that why all of our cookware is on the ground?"

He pushes my shoulder lightly and laughs, "Shut up. I'm trying my best."

"Seriously, how many saucepans do you need to cook carbonara?"

"I said don't you worry, now go back into the living room, dinner's almost ready. Are Niall and Will here yet?"

I shake my head, "I'll text Will. I still don't understand why you are insisting on cooking everyone dinner tonight. You're a madman."

"Yeah, maybe I am mad." he chuckles to himself. "I'm mad for you."

I fake vomiting noises as I get up off the floor, "So cheesy Sugg, so cheesy."

"You secretly love it." he says, pulling me in and kissing me.

"Not so secretly perhaps." I chuckle, kissing him one last time before backing towards the door. "Bacon smells like it's burning." I add in, watching the panic settle back into his face before he spins around.


I chuckle as I return to the living room, leaving him to deal with it.

As if on queue the doorbell rings and Zoe hops up to get it.

I smile as I sit next to my mum on the couch.

If someone would have told me two years ago that this was where I would be right now I would have never believed them.

My relationship with Joe is the best it has ever been. He's working with the BBC and I'm into my second year at the London University of Arts. For once everything appears to be running smoothly.

The Life [The City Sequel] (Joe Sugg/ ThatcherJoe Fanfiction)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara