10. Wednesday Lunch Week Four

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10. Wednesday Lunch Week Four

Have you ever been in one of those situations where you know that there was something that you were supposed to say but you still ended up saying something else entirely?

Like when you sit on the classroom tables in school and the teacher asks you if your Mum would let you sit on the furniture in your home. You know that you should say no and sit your ass down but instead, you end up saying something like why would she give a shit and shrugging your shoulders. Which inevitably lands you with detention and a 2-hour long lecture from your mother.

My response to situations like those was why all my friends knew that if they ever needed advice on anything at all, that they should never ask me. I literally never said the right thing.

My situation last night was kind of like that except it wasn't at all.

"Wait, so you told this kid to get a prostitute?"

I nodded at Kie's question and they all started laughing except Tori who looked shocked beyond words. It was currently lunchtime and I was sat with Tori, Kie, Kyle and Kinsey at our circle table discussing the advice I had given Riley, my tutor-student, last night. Our two groups had kind of joined after that night out together and now we all sat together at lunch. Noah and Arik normally had football practice so we rarely had all of us sat together. I had no idea where Jasper and Lana were but it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that they were together. As for Eli, I hadn't seen him since our lesson on Sunday. We didn't have any classes together, not that he probably went to class, and he was literally never around at lunch.

"Okay, so let me get this straight," Kyle looked right at me as he spoke, elbows resting on his knees, "Riley, Eli's brother, is struggling to find a date to his first high school dance and so you told him to pay for an escort?"

Embarrassed, I nodded my head, "yeah and then I gave him the money before left." Kyle burst out laughing at my admission, "okay, I get it, it was bad advice," I hit him with the back of my hand, "you can stop laughing now, Kyle." He just shook his head and carried on pissing himself, literally bent over in his chair, clutching his stomach, pissing himself. I scowled at him, bastard.

"No Rei, bad advice would be telling the kid to go with his cousin or something. What you gave him was terrible advice," Kinsey unhelpfully added.

"Not to mention illegal, " Tori also decided to provide some unhelpful information

"Urgh! I feel so stupid."

Kie nodded her head, "probably cause that was a stupid thing to do."

I glared at all of them, "you are not helping me fix this at all."

Kyle paused his laughing fit long enough to add, "how the hell could anyone possibly help you fix this monumental fuck-up Rei?"

"Monumental's a big word for you, dickwad."

"At least I wasn't stupid enough to tell a 14-year-old to get a prostitute," he replied with a casual shrug.

What. A. Prick.

"Yeah, that would be a pretty stupid thing to do." I whipped around in my chair at the sound of Eli's voice and cringed when I saw the look he was giving me. Of all the lunches to show up, he had to pick this one.

Okay, so maybe he didn't know that I told his little brother to get a prostitute.

He raised his eyebrow and leant down placing his hands on the table behind me, either side of my chair, caging me in.

"How'd it go with Riles last night Rei?" Okay, so he totally knew.

"Uh-um-I-I guess it was fine. Yeah," I cleared my throat and looked everywhere but at his face, "it was fine. Great even. He is the smartest kid," I let out a small nervous laugh, "must get it off his big bro right?" I chanced a look at his face and realised just how close he was. I didn't get a chance to dwell on it as I took in his facial expression, this was Fighter Eli, so I instantly knew he was pissed. Like really pissed.

The Fighter and His Tiger (Unexpected Love #1)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα