16. Saturday Week Five

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Huge thank you to @edexhell for my new cover which I absolutely LOVE. She is soooo talented, not only with graphics but with words too. Be sure to check out her Hunger Games spin-off series which is incredible!

Lots of Love Babe ❤️

16. Saturday Week Five

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the empty space beside me and the throbbing in the back of my head.

Gradually, I sat up straight and leant against the headboard of Eli's bed, releasing a groan as the room span around me, I would say that I'm never gonna drink again but we all know that would be bullshit. My hand against my forehead, I looked to the left of me and noticed something on the bedside table. A bottle of water, a box of painkillers, some sweats and a jumper; nice.

Slowly, I perched myself on the edge of the bed and took three of the painkillers because holy hell it felt like there were tiny little people stomping about in my brain. After the pain subsided slightly, I pulled on the sweats and jumper before making my way to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and throwing my mass of curly hair into a bun. My phone informed me that it was already past noon, guess I had a little lie-in. I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen to be greeted by the sight of Rosemary cooking away at the stove.

"Afternoon dear," she turned around briefly to face me, "pancakes?" she asked, "Ryker told me you'd be hungry when you woke up and that I should give you this with your pancakes."

Her lack of confusion about why I was here was displaced when she placed the love of my life on the counter in front of me: Nutella.

I smiled, Eli had discovered my love for Nutella during one of our movie's with the twins (after a session with Riley) when I had made him try my Nutella sandwich. Safe to say, he hated it; further proof that he was a weirdo.

"Thanks, Rose. Where is Eli by the way?"

It was Debbie's voice that answered coming from behind me as she walked into the kitchen, "he's in the gym darling. Why don't you go down after you've had something to eat?"

"Okay, thanks, Mrs Ryker." I smiled in thanks to Rosemary as she placed a Nutella filled pancake in front of me. I prayed I wasn't drooling in front of them.

"Please, call me Debbie, I was never married to the kids' father anyway," she informed me.

"Okay, sure. Thank you," I agreed, sending her a small smile before taking a bite of the blissful pancake. "Oh my god," I felt my eyes roll back in my head, "these are so good Rose."

She chuckled and gave a 'thank you' in response.

"You're welcome sweetheart," Debbie returned my smile, "okay Rose, I'm off, I'll be back around 6 ish. I'll see you Tuesday maybe Rei?"

My face was full of pancake so I nodded at her in reply and then she strode off out of the house. The pancakes were so good that I probably consumed about 6 more of them before placing my plate in the sink.

"Um, Rose? Where is your gym?"

"Downstairs honey," she told me. WTF? They have a downstairs. "The whole basement was converted into a workout space for Ryker." She gave me directions and I made my way down the stairs in search of Eli.

The gym was pretty much like the one at Maxon's, there were mirrors all around the room and it was painted white. I spotted Eli in the back corner punching a bag. Transfixed, I stopped and leant in the doorway, just admiring how his body moved and how his muscles rippled.

"You just gonna stand there?" His deep voice made me jump and he turned around to face me. His hair was wet with sweat and he had boxing gloves on his hands rather than just tape. He bent down to pick up his water bottle then squirted some water into his mouth before walking over to me. His eyes scanned up and down my body and he let out a slight smirk when he took in my attire. Probably because I looked like a hobo wearing sweats and a jumper which were about 10 sizes too big for me; safe to presume they were his.

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