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Peter's pov

I woke up at my room in Stark Towers, I had a late night in the lab last night with my mentor Tony Stark. I was actually working on my suit while he and Dr Banner worked on some serum? They said they couldn't tell me much but it was so exciting to work in the lab.

Today was going to be another lab day, since it's my spring break and my aunt was out of town for work. So I got out of bed at like 2pm and made my way to the kitchen, I was pretty hungry.

"What time did you fall asleep? Tony better not be keeping you up all night." Miss Potts inquired while drinking some coffee in the kitchen.

"Like 5ish, I think? Please don't blame Mr Stark I would've been up anyways." I was quick to keep my mentor out of trouble with his soon to be wife since she could take away our lab day.

"When your aunt asked us to watch you that meant we we're supposed to make sure you sleep, eat, and not let you turn into Tony. Tonight you'll both be out of the lab before 12." She lectured with a laugh while I went through the fridge for food. I saw a yoo-hoo bottle and I of course took it. Who doesn't like chocolate milk?

Chocolate milk and left over spaghetti was my 2pm breakfast of choice.

"I think that's Tony's but he can just more." Miss Potts told me while getting on the phone. I was going to eat it anyways, left over spaghetti is free game.

I also know if I don't drink this chocolate milk Mr Barton could drop out of a vent any moment and snatch it up so I drank it pretty quickly. It tasted kinda weird.

"Peter! Did you drink that?" Dr Banner went wide eyed at seeing me on the counter eating.

"I'm sorry sir, I can buy more. I didn't know it was yours it was just left in the fridge, oh gosh." I rambled as he, very pale faced rushed over to me. Is he going to kick me out?

"Damn it Tony, why did you decide to recycle this one time?! Are you feeling okay? When did you drink this?" I was just sitting on a counter eating and he was looking me over like I was shot or something.

"Like a minute ago? I'm really sorry, sir." I felt a little weird but I figured that was because the spegehtti was made by Vision 2 days ago. He doesn't cook very well.

"Friday call Tony!" He yelled out and I started to sway, my vision going black on the edges, and despite just waking up I was completely drained of energy.

Tony's pov

I was going over the plans for mine and Bruce's new project. Well it was his but I was just giving him some second opinions. He was working on something to make cells look younger and tissues act like they would in their prime, effectively extending human life.

He said our prototype needed to be kept in a fridge and my lab ones were all out for repair after the burrito incident. So I was making the label for the bottle.

"Don't Drink Experiments." I read my freshly produced label, I had to hide this maker since Clint would go around and mark everything in sight. Never again.

"Sir, Dr Banner is calling for you and Charlotte's Web is unconscious." I dropped everything and ran out of the room, the funny name someone set for Peter was completely lost on me as I ran through the tower.

He had become like a son to me and I was also in charge of him for the next week. His aunt threatened me quite graphically incase he was ever hurt near me or in my care.

When I got to the kitchen Peter was laying on the counter while Bruce check his pulse. There was a broken plate on the floor too, leaving me to wonder what the absolute hell happened here?

"He drank the serum, I swear Tony why didn't you put the label on the bottle?" Bruce seemed really mad but sighed when I'm assuming he felt a pulse. But he drank the firsts prototype of our untested serum, who knows what could happen?

"I just made it! Friday, get Steve. Tell him to get here now." I'm not going to risk carrying him and dropping him without my suit. Steve being the super Capsical he is can carry him to the Med-Bay safely.

Bruce decided to run ahead to set everything up while I helplessly waited for half a minute with the passed out kid for Steve to run in.

Once he and Bucky did they were clearly panicked too but I told them to just hurry up and carry him. I'm going to get killed by May, she is going to absolutely murder me.


We got him in the Med-Bay and Bruce started to do a simple check up, originally finding nothing wrong till he got smaller. This 15, almost 16 year old was getting smaller.

Bruce took a simple blood sample and saw his cells weren't just looking younger, he was getting younger. Bruce put him at 13 now.

"Well stop it! He can't be 13, his aunt left him as a 15 year old." It was completely my mistake not to mark the bottle, if Peter didn't drink it Clint probably would have. But I don't know how to fix this only Bruce does.

"I need a few days and I don't know how young he's going to get, he drank the entire bottle. He could be a toddler for all I know, watch over him while I get working on it." Toddler? No, don't do kids. I'll ruin them, luckly for Peter he's already a developed person that I can really ruin.

"I can handle a teenager, not a toddler. Maybe not even a 13 year old." I met Peter when he was 13 and he was so reckless with no regard for his own safety.

"First, you're great with kids. Secondly, you have the entire team, figure it out. And make sure there's a lot of coffee." He sighed and walked back over to where he was working on the other side of the room

"Mr Stark?" There was a scared and high pitched voice. I turned around to see Peter was awake and looked completely terrified at his own voice.

"Hey kid, how you feeling?" I walked over and sat on the end of the bed. I hope my presence was some what comforting to him.

"I'm hungry, sir." He mumbled while trying to lower his voice. Still sounded like a way younger child.

"Steve's awake, he'll make you whatever you want." Steve's the best cook and is waiting in the waiting room with Bucky still. They both love the kid so there's no doubt he'll cook for him.

"Am I dying?" He suddenly shrieked.

"No, no one's dying. You'll be fine, Bruce is working on fixing everything. Don't worry." Please don't make a lair out of me Bruce. This kid looks like he's about to cry and that's the worst thing in the world.

"You're lying." Hate 13 year olds, they're dramatic and scared of everything but try to act like everything's okay.

"You said Bruce was the best scientist in the world right?" He totally freaked out when first meeting him so he of course nodded now. "He's so smart and he'll figure it out. Now let's get some food."

Once we stood up I realized he was so much shorter than me now. "Still think you're 5'9?" I teased him since he always lies about how tall he is.

"Shut up. This is all your fault." He grumbled, first time I've seen him actually angry.

"Yes it is, and I'm sorry but you shouldn't drink other people's stuff. Let this be a lesson." I tried to frame this as some kind of mentor lesson. In another weird way to calm him in this awful situation.

"You made me short to teach me a lesson?" He glared up at me, I'm glad he just thinks he's short and not what's actually happening.

"Sure. Steve make the kid food!" I brushed over what he said as I opened the doors to show Steve and Bucky pacing around.


So I'm redoing this book because the first version wasn't my best work. I hope this is better, thanks for reading

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