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Bucky's pov

We were watching Cartoons, but the kid didn't really care since he was just playing with Legos on the floor with Clint.

"Sirs, the rest of the team is arriving. Boss is asking for your presence." It has been at least an hour since we came in here and guessing by how small this child was getting, I'm assuming he de-aged again? This poor kid.

"Let's go see Mr Stark. Be careful of the Lego house, Mr Barens." He warned me so seriously but his voice was so high I was trying so hard not to laugh.

"I'll be careful." I promised him, not even walking near his obnoxiously colored Lego house.

"Do you like our Lego house?" He looked up to me with big doey eyes and I wasn't going to be rude when he's such a sweetheart.

"I love it." He flashed me as smile I can only describe as little Stevie and a puppy. We were walking through the hallway and almost made it perfectly back out to the kitchen, till the kid tripped over a small step.

He knee was barley scarped and a little red but tears were in his eyes once again."It's okay Peter, let's get you a bandaid." Clint was quick to move, having his own kids and knowing how they work and stuff.

"Come on, we have some Ironman ones to mess with Tony." I offered to make him feel better, from seeing his room you can tell he's a big Ironman fan. And from everything else he does near Stark.

"I can carry you if you want." I can carry teenage Peter like a baby, so I surely can carry this little guy.

"No, I'm big. I can walk." He some how sounded even younger as he said that and pushed himself up, still pouting with tears in his eyes.

"You still want a Band-Aid then?" He was quick to nod as we entered the kitchen once again, seeing the rest of the team looking at us in shock.

"Why is there a child in here?" Wanda inquired, I didn't answer but lifted Peter to sit on the counter while Clint got some Band-Aids.

"Did he get hurt?" Tony walked over to the kid too, ignoring all the confused people.

"I fell, I'm okay." He sniffled, looking down at his lap instead of any of the eyes looking at him intensely.

"Want a Captain America or Ironman Band-Aid, Peter?" He pointed to the Ironman one of course and Clint put it on his knee while he wiped away some tears.

Wanda again had an objection to this, making it very clear she didn't believe Clint."That's not Peter. Peter's 15, this child is not 15."

"I'm still 15, Wanda." He made it very clear he doesn't like being called young or younger than he used to be.

"That's sass means it could only be him, aw he so cute. Tony, what the hell did you do?" Her voice transformed from sweet to about to absolutely murder Tony like Nat threatened earlier.

"Language. Especially when he's like this." Steve motioned from behind the counter to the obvious, a few people were still shocked at the child.

"I have an Ironman Band-Aid so I can hear bad language curse words. I'm a big boy." Peter argues, making almost everyone laugh.

"I'm Ironman and I said no, so you can't." Tony laughed but I don't think the boy got the message it was just a joke.

"You turned me into a child." He fired back as some kind of leverage while swinging his legs since he was sitting on the counter.

"You're acting like one."

"Cause your stupid experiment is messing with the chemicals in my brain and making them all mess up. So I'm lacking impulse control and other things I had as a teenager. This is your fault." Yeah I understood none of that but he spoke about this science stuff like a normal kid would trains or dolls.

"Kids right, his brain is drastically changing so he's going to act like a child. Treat him like one." Bruce butted in one again with some science on how the kid is developing with this de-aging.

"No! I'm 15!" He raise his small wrists and tried to shot a web to the ceiling but they jammed so Tony took this opportunity to grab his wrists and easily slide them off.

"Peter, you need to cool down." Clint took the lead in trying to calm the kids temper tantrum.

"No! I wanna be big! And give me my shooters!" He did the give me hands to Tony who wasn't giving in when most of the people here probably would.

"It's time out time, 10 minutes and if you get out it'll be another one." Clint lifted up the mad child and carried him out of the room, I followed behind like a few others did.

"I hate kids." Sam groaned, looking at how much of a fight Clint was getting to set him down in a chair. "Here's a calm down teddy, here's your calm down chair. 11 minutes starting now." As harsh as he was being it was working, Peter was now sitting in a chair hugging onto the bear while glaring at everyone.

"He's like 6 now. I need to get back to the lab." Bruce told us walking back down to the elevator, I don't know what he could possibly be doing.

Tony's pov

Peter actually fell asleep in his time out chair. Clint explained he just needed a nap then when he woke up he'd be fine. Which was true, he apologized profusely but still wanted his web shooters back.

"Please Mr Stark?" I had put them away, he isn't supposed to have them when he isn't out because he's 100% more likely to jump into danger if he has them.

"You can't even us them, your arms are to small and they jammed." He had like really tiny hands and arms, the old bulky shooters he had were like bigger than his face.

"I want them." He stated calmly.

"Why do you need them?" I don't get why he had them in the first place, 15 year old Peter must have had a some what sensible reason.

"If the bad birdie guy comes back!" He exclaimed with dramatic hand movements, getting everyone's full attention.

I sighed, lifted him up and sat him down next to me on the couch. "He's in prison." I reasonably told him.

"He could get out!" Even as a little child he's more concerned with getting the bad guys than himself.

"Well you have the Avengers, we'll keep you safe." Natasha assured him, very protectively. Steve may be the Mom of the tower but she won't hesitate to be a Mama Bear with Peter.

"You didn't last time." He mumbled, hiding his mouth behind his hands.

"Keep your hands away from your mouth, Peter. And we'll help you if he gets out, which he won't." Steve joined in making the boy feel safe without his web shooters. I wasn't going to give them to him anyways and when he's fixed we were going to have a long talk about it.

But it was like the kids memory was whipped in the last 2 seconds."I wanna play."

"What do you want to play with little one?" Wanda inquired smiling brightly. Some of the stuff Friday ordered had arrived and still needed to be set up but some toys were here.

"I think he should get dressed first." I suggested, seeing as his clothes were barely hanging onto his small frame. His shirt alone was more like a dress almost reaching his feet.

"I'll handle it, can I pick you up Peter?" Wanda decided to continue taking the lead in caring for him by walking over to the couch in front of him.

"No, I can walk." He claimed but took an entire minute to push himself off the couch and on the floor safety. He's very short for whatever age he is.

Peter did let Wanda take his hands as she walked over to the boxes by the door and let him pick some clothes, which we weren't shown. Wanda said it would be a fun surprise and Peter was excited as well.

Once they both left, the elevator dinged and heels clicked."Tony, why are there so many packages for your down stairs?" Pepper was home.


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