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Steve's pov

Once Tony walked out with a slightly shorter Peter, Bucky decided to tease him a bit. "Aww, look how short." I sent him a sideward glance not thinking this was the time.

"Shut up!" Peter shouted, his voice cracking causing him to blush a deep red and pout. "This is so stupid." He mumbled clearly upset with his situation.

"Yes it is, so I'm going to make you food and some cookies. While these meanies can sit and watch without cookies." I offered with a smile, making him pout slightly less then nod.

"Betraying me then stealing my intern? This means war, Rogers." Tony glared slightly as I put a careful hand on the kids shoulder and lead him to the kitchen.

I didn't exactly know what was happening but the kid was shorter, upset, and looked younger. He definitely sounded younger too.

He had very shyly asked me to make a grilled cheese, so knowing his metabolism I made 3 while also baking some cookies. He seemed to get shorter but was content playing on his phone so he didn't notice.

Soon Natasha and Clint came into the kitchen, confused why I was cooking at 3 when it's too late for lunch and too early for dinner. "Whatcha doing guys?"

"Playing." Peter responded looking over his shoulder at the two, his voice want cracking every second and just sounded young.

"Who and you and where's my baby spider?" Nat was really suspicious while Clint was trying to hold back a laugh.

"I'm not a baby." He whined, he usually loved Nat's nickname for him. Which is why Natasha then took out a knife. I quickly turned off the stove as this could escalate.

So in response Peter held up his wrists, exposing the web shooters that were hidden under his hoodie. "Weapons down, now." Tony commanded them.

But neither did so I tried, having the 'captain mom' voice as they all say. "Peter Benjamin Parker and Natasha, put your weapons down right now. No one's going to hurt anyone."

Nat did with a sigh when she realized it was actually him but Peter was still in defensive mode."She pulled a knife on me!"

"Why do you have your web shooters on?" Tony questioned, he isn't supposed to have them on unless he's out as Spider-Man.

"Incase of an attack. Why did you say my full name and only her first?" He turned his anger and attitude towards me. I get what's happening is upsetting but there's no reason to take that tone with any of us.

"Because she's a grown woman and has a knife. Take off your web shooters." Tony answered for me, nailing my reason. No one says her full name.

"No, she's gets to have a knife." He argued and a silence fell over the room. He said no to Tony.

"She's over 18 and she isn't in my care. You are 12 right now and my responsibility. So Peter, take off your web shooters." Tony stood up and stood in front of him, using his intimidating tone.

"I'm 12?" I could hear his breathing stop, infact everyone froze for a moment. How is he 12 when last night he was 15?

"I don't wanna be 12, Mr Stark." He started to cry and fully covered his face with his hands.

"11." He whispered as the boy kept getting smaller and smaller. He was de-aging?

"Not the time Tony! It's okay Peter, we'll fix this." I walked around the counter, glad I turned off the stove to comfort him.

"What the hell did you do to him, Tony?" Natasha growled, very protective over the boy who was now crying while I hugged him.

"He drank Bruce's de-aging serum on accident. He's fixing it." Tony tried to assure all of us but seeing as a literal child is crying on me I didn't care much for this 'accidnet' excuse.

"This better be fixed right now or so help me I will hurt your worse than Hulk did Loki." Natasha continued to threaten him in ways that almost made Clint laugh.

"Threats later, Nat. Someone who's capable finish his food." I instructed them sternly, not wanting to hear any more of their bickering.


Peter ate 4 grilled cheeses silently, not making eye contact with anyone. Once we gave him cookies he apologized for earlier. "I'm sorry for yelling, and threatening Miss Romanoff, and saying no to Mr Stark, and crying on your shirt, Mr Rogers."

I wanted to assure him it was all right but Tony jumped in. "And your web shooters?"

"Get a building dropped on you and I'll take them off." He grumbled, grabbing onto them protectively. They were too big for his wrists right now but he wasn't budging.

"A building?" Bucky was first to regain his voice after a second moment of silence.

"The Vulture guy wasn't very nice." He trailed off while bitting into a cookie and completely changing his attention to another matter. "Can we watch TV?"

"Web shooters." Tony was as stubborn as this 10 ish year old, holding out his hands to take them.

"No." He said once again, it's clear from the way his voice shakes he doesn't like openly defying his mentor.

"Aunt May won't be happy you aren't listening." Tony reminds him, she very clearly told him to listen to all of us. But that's when he was 15 and he doesn't listen all the time. Especially when Spider-Man is concerned.

"Auntie May won't be happy with me being younger." He sassed back, eating a second cookie.

"Kids got you there, let's go watch cartoons." Bucky took the lead by walking over to Peter chair, kinda acting like he might fall.

"I can stand you know? I'm not a baby." He reminded Bucky while easily getting down, he may be shorter but it isn't can't get down short yet.

"Sorry you just remind me of Steve at your age and if he tried to get down from a chair alone he'd break both legs then have an asthma attack." Bucky chuckled at my expense, being overly dramatic over previous medical conditions.

"I'm not Mr Rogers and I haven't had an asthma attack in almost a year." He stated proudly while standing on his tip toes to try and be as tall as Bucky.

Tony gave a deep sigh, before starting some what calmly on lecture. "You have asthma and didn't think to tell anyone?"

"May knows." Peter was quite, meaning he already knows what he did wasn't right. When he really believes in what he did, he'll rant or ramble while defending it.

"But Tony didn't." You could really tell Tony was trying to be calm with Peter but he already had tears in his eyes.

"I've had one attack since becoming Spider-man. I didn't think it was important."He mumbled frozen like a dear in headlights.

"Why don't you two go watch cartoons in your room? Bird brain go with them." No one was going to argue since Peter was scared, Clint liked cartoons, and Bucky offered in the first place.

"I'm so bad with kids." He sighed again, he's said that before but I don't think it's true at all. He's amazing with Peter.

"You're great with Peter, but you and Banner are lab grounded when this is fixed."  Even if he's great with Peter, Ultron, the burrito incident, and now this. Banner and Tony shouldn't be working together.

"Oh I'm dead, when his aunt and Pepper find out. Shit, I forgot to tell Pep."

"If Bruce fixes this enough, maybe neither will find out." Nat shrugged, Pepper was at a meeting and May would be out of town for another week.

"Negative, this is going to take a while to fix, plan on him being a toddler or baby of sorts." Bruce interjected and ruined the little hope we had while he was getting some coffee from the always full pot.

"Jarvis, order what you'd need for a baby or toddler. And alert me when the rest of the team gets home." A few people left early this morning for a day trip to the mall and other similar places and haven't returned yet.


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