I like you-Pope

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"Hey Y/n! Where are the solo cups?"
John B asked, yelling across the château.

"Kei has some of them, I'm bringing the rest of them down in a few minutes."
You answered.

You heard the screen door open and then slam close signaling that John B had left. You walked about the kitchen, opening a cabinet that hung close by the sink, reaching for the solos cups. But you were failing to do so, you were to short.

You stood on your tippy toes, grunting slightly.
"Come on, we're almost there."
You mumbled.

"Need help?"
Pope's voice, lined with humor, asked.

You jumped back, startled.
"O my god Pope! You scared me half to death."
You placed one hand over the area your heart was, trying to slow your heartbeat.

Pope laughed slightly, rolling his eyes.
"A little dramatic, don't you think?"
He smiled, walking over toward you.

He grew closer to you, towering over you. His body was inches away from yours. Looking you in the eye. You felt his minty breath on your face for a moment. His muscular frame, made you feel small. His cologne tainted your nostrils, in a good way. Goosebumps invaded your skin. A smirk pulled at his lips and he quirked an eyebrow and gave you a confused look.

"You okay? Are you cold or something?"
His smiled faded, and his eyebrows furrowed together. Giving him a more serious look.

"Can yo.... can you just get the cups?"
You ask, slightly confused by the butterflies in your gut and the slight stutter you were speaking with.

This was Pope, one of your best friends. Why did you feel nervous to talk to him all of a sudden?

"Yeah, I got you."
He lifted one hand grabbing the cups.
As he reached the hem of his shirt came up slightly to real a small cut on his side.

You grabbed the hem of his shirt and raised it higher. Looking intently at the wound.
"Pope, what happened?!"
You asked worried.

You pressed your fingers against the skin around it slightly, to see if it had bruised.

Pope, our of reaction, grabbed your wrists.

You looked up at him slightly and he released your wrist quickly.
"Sorry, it was a reaction."
He apologized.

You looked deep in his eyes for a moment...
Had he always had those little golden specks around his iris? Or that slight scar below his left eye.

He asked.

You asked, longing filled your voice.

"We have to be at the boneyard in like ten minutes." He smiled, while gesturing to the door..

"Oh right! Right!"
You snapped out of it.
"Go ahead, I'll meet you there."

"You sure?"
He asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Go ahead."
You gave him a fake smile.

He walked out of the kitchen, a few seconds later, you hear the screen door slam.

You took a deep breath.
What is wrong with me? Y/n pull yourself together! Pope is a friend, nothing more. Why are you acting like this?!
You thought all these things in your head while other thought crept in.
But what if we-

You said aloud, cutting that exact thought off before it got ahead of itself.

You went into the bathroom, freshening up and changing your clothes. You put on some black shorts with a floral pattern on and pulled a burgundy colored crop top tank.

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