Stay Clean Baby (part two)-Rafe

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I arrived at the chateau, tears streaming down my face. I stepped through the screen door, sniffling and pushing my hair over my shoulder.

I plopped my frail body down on the outdoor couch, pulling my knees to my chest.
"Y/n, is that you?" Sarah's voice rang out.

"Yeah, it's me."
I responded dryly.

Her figure came around the corner, taking a seat next to me, she must have noticed I was upset. Cause she told a joke but I didn't find it that funny, I wasn't really interested.

"Are you okay, Y/n? What's going on?"
She asked, touching my shoulder.

"Is anyone else here?"
I asked, before I vented to her, I didn't want my   friends to know the whole situation. They knew I was with Rafe and they didn't approve so I didn't talk about him much, especially if we were having problems because they all say the same..."that's the kook way y/n"

"No, John B and JJ are out on the boat, fishing. Kie's working with her Dad, and Pope is reciting his speech today."
She stated, giggling slightly.

I laughed and pushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear.
"Yeah, that sounds like Pope."
I rolled my eyes and sniffled.

"Is this about my brother?"
Her voice whispered, and she leaned to look at me.

My lip quivered and my eyes burned with fresh tears. "Yeah, I haven't heard from him."
I wiped my eyes.
"I'm worried Sarah, it's been four days, no calls, no messages, I haven't seen him. He was clean Sarah, but what if he's not anymore?!"
I cried.
"When Rafe feels like he messes up, he cuts you off."

Sarah wrapped her arms around me, letting me cry. "Y/n, you can't think like that, you have to hope for the best."

"What if there isn't a best??"
I wiped my eye, trying to gather my composure. "What if He's back on it?? Partying again."

"Go see him."
She stated.
"Talk with him, check in with him!"

"What?! I can't do that, He's at Barry's house."
I rolled my eyes.

"Yes you can, you can talk some sense into him. I'll go with you!"
She said, standing up.

"Sarah, John B will never let you do that."
I argued.

"John B doesn't have to know everything, plus Rafe's my brother...I can do what I want."
She responded proudly.
"Come on!"

I stood, composing myself. We got in Sarah's car and drove over to Barry's Trailer. It was a typical crackhead yard and house. Junk everywhere, house falling apart.

"I think it's best you talk to him first, considering we're not on the best terms." Sarah state's, patting my leg.

"You're probably right, I'll be back."
I stepped out of the car and headed for the back door, there were multiple people standing around, smoking, drinking.

I saw Barry, sitting on a box next to a fire.
I spoke aloud, walking over to him.

"Hey, Y/n?!"
He chuckled.
"You here for country club?"
He threw the bottom of his beer back.

"Yeah, something like that, where is he??"
I asked, putting a hand on my hip.

"Inside, down the hall, back bedroom.."
He responded quietly.

I nodded and turned to walk away but he caught me by the arm. I turned back quickly, giving him a confused look.

"Get him out of here man, he's going off the wall." Barry states, letting me go.

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