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---(Name this line?)---

⚜ Jake ⚜

I walk down the warm palace corridor and stop in front of a big golden mirror to quickly run my hands through my hair, styling it back to normal before continuing my travels. My phone buzzes and I take it out. I press the side of my thumb to the cold button of my phone. I'm always sure to have the latest model.

The home screen comes up and I run my thumb down from the top of the screen to open notifications. I tap on a text from Emily.

From: Emily

Hiya babe how's it going?? xx

I continue walking down the hallway while I type in a reply. As I do, I see a maid approaching, carrying a pile of bedsheets. Probably for setting up rooms for The Choosing candidates. I try to dodge her but bump into her instead. I mumble an apology, but she waves me off with a smile.

To: Emily

All is well, but I'm stressed already :/ xx

From: Emily

Awwww already?! Wish I was there with you... I could make your job 10 times more fun. ;) xx

To: Emily

That sounds perfect xx

From: Emily

Terms and conditions apply xx

To: Emily

Which are? xx

As I near my office, I look up to find Miss Mint outside about to knock on the door. A male servant behind her. They are both carrying a massive pile of paper, that I assume are the profiles for the first, well second, round of The Choosing. I almost forget The Fates nonsense that they have to go through before they get here.

From: Emily

I want the leftovers! >D xx

I mentally chuckle at Emily then watch as Miss Mint knocks on my office door and then stand there - waiting for a reply.

"I don't think anyone's home," I state as she waits for the 'okay' to enter the office. I chuckle as she jumps at the sound of my voice.

"Oh, Your Royal Highness!" She curtseys and smiles at me. I put my phone into my trouser pocket and give her my full attention.

"Here are the profiles," she says and slightly raises the pile of papers in her arms to catch my eye. The pile of papers look heavy so I swiftly and effortlessly take them from her. "Thank you, Sir."

I nod my head and open the door to my office with my free hand and motion with my head for Miss Mint and the male servant to follow.

My office is large and follows a cream and chocolate colour scheme. Behind my desk, stationed opposite the office door, is a window wall that looks out at the perfect full view of the royal gardens and the lone tree that sits at the very back. My wooden floor, a chocolate brown, stretches over the ample space. There are cupboards, cabinets, shelves and bookcases elegantly lining the other walls, holding various documents and files.

I hurry over to my desk and drop the load of papers, taking a seat in my black leather chair. The male servant places the pile of profiles gently down on the desk, then stands back next to Miss Mint.

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