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---(Name this line?)---

After Miss Mint finishes her announcement, we are dismissed to get on with our preparations. My fierce determination drives me to grab a swimming kit from Lois and head straight to the pool.

Perhaps swimming will come to me like second nature as it does to animals in the wild.

As I reach the pool, anxiety dances around my head as the water taunts me. Ripples made by the sheer mass of other girls in the water threaten to drown me. I fail to swallow the hard lump that's formed in my throat as I feel how bad of an idea this is.

I sit down on the edge, planning to slip into the water gently, but my motions stop when I meet the eyes of Lydia. She's treading water in the centre of the pool while her eyes patronise me.

Mixed with my embarrassment, I can't bear the heat of her gaze. Especially since I know I won't hear the end of it the moment she realises I can't swim.

Rising to my feet again, I wrap the towel around me, to hide my body that has only been covered by a baby blue bikini. I feel the knot holding the bra up start to loosen, but I ignore it to focus on my great escape. I leave in such haste that I curse myself for forgetting my shoes and clothes the moment I reach the corridor. I guess I'll have to walk back to my room barefoot. Which is a while away, but I'm too prideful to turn back and get them from the pool. Lydia would tear me to shreds and I really don't want to deal with that right now.

I look around and note all the fancy facilities they have in the East Wing. It looks like a fitness centre. They have a gym and a dance studio, and outside, beyond the large panes of glass windows, there are various courts for sports.

I make my way to the door leading outside. If I cut across the gardens, I'll make it back quicker and bump into fewer people. Better than walking around the palace with next-to-no clothes on.

As I reach a hand out to push the door open, I am suddenly stopped by an urgent voice behind me. "Are you trying to catch your death?" I whip my head around and sure enough, I find myself face-to-face which the man of the hour, Prince Jake. "It might be warmer in this Sector, but the winter will still subject you to a cold if you're not careful."

Though his eyes never leave mine, I pull my towel tighter around my frame. He notices, and I go rigid in shock as he removes his jacket and slots it over my shoulders. It's accompanied by a warm smile that melts me along with the heat embedded in his jacket. I eye up his attire and note that he's dressed in sports gear. I assume he is heading towards the gym.

"It suits you," he says to stop me as I attempt to take it off. I don't protest again and allow myself to get lost in the sheer size of it. "So, erm, care to explain what you're doing?"

"I've had enough swimming for the day," I say without fault to try and convince him.

"Right." He nods, eyes squinted with the slightest tinge of humour. "That's why you're still bone dry."

"It was too busy in there." A fierce blush invades my cheeks as I try to recover. "Barely any room to practice, really."

He looks back at me seriously, but it cracks and gives way to an attractive boyish grin. "You can't swim, can you?" He laughs softly, but there's no mockery. It's as if the sound is meant to be a comfort.

"What makes you think that?"

"Royal intuition." A cheeky wink accompanies his words. I roll my eyes as I look away, starting my retreat before my face catches on fire.

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