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---(Name this line?)---

As it turns out, Lola is a semi-professional in Archery. Having led her first hunt by herself at the age of seven, shooting a bow and arrow is her second nature. Having such experience made her an excellent teacher and I'm quite impressed with how quickly I was able to pick it up.

I've not handled a bow and arrow much, but on the grounds that I, like many other Sector XIs, have had to physically hunt for food in the past, so the instincts are there.

It's the day of the Archery trail, and as I walk up to the shooting line, I feel oddly confident.

Alright, shoulders back, stand up straight, keep both eyes open...

I glance down at the white line before my feet as I set my position, then I raise my eyes to the target. It looks so far away now that the pressure is on, but I was able to hit five reds and two golds yesterday. Albeit, that was after several attempts and today we have only two arrows. Only your best shot counting in the long run.

Placing the arrow in the bow, I draw in a deep breath. My eyes flicker over to Lola, who sends me a thumbs up, and then over to Jake, who is sitting there watching me intensely.

Focus Ally.

I pull back the bowstring, raise my posture, aim and shoot. The moment I go to release my the tension, a loud shriek sounds behind me. Distracted and I shoot my arrow off-course. It cuts through the air and disappears behind the large hedge bordering the pitch. Before I can recover from the disappointment, the sound of a crash follows.


I try to ignore the murmur that's now rising from the crowd. As I load the second and final arrow, a gardener appears from the direction of my arrow and addresses the King and Queen. My stomach drops when I see Queen Kathasha turn red in the face then point towards me. I can't make out her words, but from the sheer pitch of her voice, I know I'm in trouble.

Turning back to the target, I decide getting this over with is the best plan of action. I'll have to deal with the consequences later. Taking another deep breath, I ready myself and release the arrow. Closing my eyes, I pray for a miracle.

The world seems to stop when I reopen them. Not only am I faced with an arrow penetrating the centre circle - a bull's eye, Luke and two other guards are now flanked beside me.

"Come on, trouble," Luke says in a voice low enough for only me to hear.

I don't have time to celebrate my shot as I am escorted inside. I am made to wait on a hard uncomfortable bench outside of, what I'm guessing is, an office. They have me sit here until the trails have concluded - I feel like I'm in a time out. Luke stands to my right, as the head of the Royal Guard, Jackson, stands on my left. They don't speak a word to each other or to me as we wait - for what, I don't know, my punishment probably. But, the subtle glances they send each other serves as entertainment for the meantime. Who knew third-wheeling could be so much fun.

Forty-five minutes later, I hear footsteps approaching. From the way Luke and Jackson straighten out, I reckon I'm about to be faced with a Royal. I stand up and tense as I watch King Leroy and Prince Jake round the corner.

I bite my lip at the fierce look on the king's face. Honestly, I don't think I've ever been more terrified about being sent to an office.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness," Luke and Jackson greet in unison.

King Leroy nods in recognition as he enters the office.

"After you." Jake's voice grabs my attention as he holds the door open for me. The small smile that graces his lips helps to settle my nerves as I thank him and enter the room, leaving Luke and Jackson to wait outside.

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