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"Look Mr. Spencer, it was really sweet of Mary to invite me to stay with her. But earlier the situation was different when I accepted her proposal but now everything has changed."

"How?" that's the only word he uttered with authority.

"Since she is not here, I cannot impose on you. I would  rather you give me your phone and let me book myself to my previous hotel and leave."

"You are staying Ms. Howard." His ordering tone triggered my anger. He helped himself to that yummy looking cake. I stood up.

"Excuse me, you can't make me stay here without my wish." anger risen in me.

"You wanna try?" Open threat. He kept on eating.

"Are you freaking out of your mind? I am leaving this minute." Saying this I walked towards the door.

"Bretta" I heard him call his dog. I stopped in my tracks. The bitch was standing in the door.

I was so pissed. I started moving back to him, Bretta also walking along with me and sniffing me. On reaching back to my position, that bitch went to her master. The man put his arm around her and started stroking her. I could not miss that smirk on his face.

"How dare you treat me like this? I am not your bloody slave. I need to leave."

"Cool down, I am fulfilling Mary's wish, no offense to you. You like it or not, you are her guest and you will be treated like one. She will be calling you by 9 at night. A spare mobile will be sent for your disposal till you are here. Handover your broken one I will have it checked tomorrow." He stood up and ready to leave.

"This is ridiculous why are you compelling me to stay?" I waited for his answer.

"Ms. Howard I had an online conference call in 10 minutes. I can't stay and argue with you at present. Please do not leave without having this cake. It is really yummy especially made for you." He turned and left with his dog.

I wanted to scream at him but stopped myself not giving him motive to be sarcastic.

I went to the kitchen and seeing Ms. Jones I asked her phone. She gave it to me.

I opened a search engine to check the hotel phone number, but a "No Connection" sign laughed at me.

"Mrs. Jones why your data is not working?"

"I don't have it in my phone as I do not know how to use it." She smiled sweetly.

"Is there any other phone I can use for internet."

"Yes, you can use sir's phone, he has it."

Exasparated on hearing her reply. I controlled my reaction on that poor soul and left. Trying to go out of house stealthily is also a futile effort. I know the guard won't let me pass.

I went up to the room. Switched on the TV to kill my time till I could speak to Mary. I am stuck here tonight, this was for sure now.

After an hour Ms. Jones, came with a mobile phone and the tray of cake. She asked me to give my broken phone. I gave it to her and she left.

I grabbed the phone and opened the search engine same message, No Connection.

"Shit shit!" I felt like a prisoner deprived of freedom.

At 9 Mary called.

"Hi Rose, I am so sorry I couldn't meet you." She sounded exahusted.

"I hope your mom is all well?"

"Yes, she is alright. Her foot is swollen and no pressure to be put on it for few days. Dad has just reached, hospital then I only I could come back to the hotel. I really am feeling so bad for our reunion. How are you dear?"

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