12. Memories

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I am so sorry guys for updating late. But I was not feeling well in past few days.

I aslo editing my other book so it took time to update. This time I will make sure to update on time.

Please do comments and votes they made me happy.


Sid's point of view

"Have you read this?" Nick barged in my cabin and slammed the newspaper on my table.

I looked up from my laptop and looked at newspaper on my table.

"What..?" I asked looking at him.

"This..?" He said while pointing on a article on Newspaper.

I took the newspaper. My eyes widened in shock when I read the head line of the article.

Anna Smith the only daughter of business tycoon Jeffrey Smith is found dead in prison.

I can't believe she is dead. I looked at Nick and he has the same expressions as mine. I read further in the article.

No one knows how she dead. Her body was burnt that it hard to recognize her. But the DNA test proofs it was Anna Smith.

There is whole details how she dead and which time she found dead. There is my name also with whole story what happened two years ago.

It is really a shocking news. Not even for me but for whole business world. Her father was really a good businessman and she was not less but because of her cunning mind and madness, she ruined everything and played with my life. I think karma is really a bitch. It bits you back when a time come.

"How's this happened..?" I asked Nick.

He took seat in front of me and look at the newspaper.

"No one knows. She found dead yesterday late at night. Her body is burnt like a coal. No one knows who was she until the DNA test confirmed that she was Anna Smith. " Nick said, looking at me.

"What about her father, Jeffrey Smith." I asked.

"He was missing after the News go on air." He said.

I nodded my head and looked at the article in Newspaper. I don't have any pity for her. I didn't even feel sympathy towards her. She is a Bitch and she got punished what she had done to ruin others life.

I can't forget what she had done to me and my family. Because of her I hurt Preeti. I broke her heart. I don't know what I have done if Preeti did not forgive me and marry me. I think there will no Siddharth. I was dead long ago. I love her so much that I can't imagine my life without her. There is no Siddharth without Preeti.

Actually I am happy Anna is no longer a threat in our life.

"I wish she rot in hell." I blurted  out my thoughts while fixing my eyes on the Newspaper and then looked at Nick in his eyes.

But look on Nick in his eyes different like he wanted to say something.

I know what he wants to say that I am not a kind of person to curse someone but hell to my morals. I wish I could kill her with my bare hands and give her the most difficult death that she begged me to kill her and believe me I regretted it in my whole life not to give her death which I wished for her.

Nick opened his mouth to say something but a knock on my cabin door interrupted him.

Emily walk inside the room after getting permission from Nick.

The Journey Of Love (#2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon