23. Facts

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In previous update I asked you guys your opinion about the cover and most of the reades like the no. Third cover for my book but one of my reader saw the same book cover under another book's name. So I don't want to use someone's books cover, it may create the confusion. No.4 the original book cover of my book got second highest votes so I decided to stick with the original cover of my book.

Thank You so much TeluguUsers_2020 for giving me such wonderful gift but I apologize to disappoint you. But I will love if you design book cover of my upcoming books. Thankyou once again.

Sid's point of view

"Sid, what is the progress report of aquarium project?" Dad asked me while biting his toast.

We all are sitting in the dining table having breakfast. It's a new day with new hope and work. Mom is eating her breakfast, Preeti is serving a breakfast to me and keerti is absent from dinning table, probably getting ready for her office. She always gets late for office because she wakes up late. No matter how many time mom threatened her but old habits take time to go.

"Dad, New design is ready. We will ready the project report after testing safety gears from all Possibilities of natural disasters." I said while drinking my orange juice.

"Good, safety comes first. So who will go to L.A for the presentation with project report?" Dad asked.

"Nick will go after two days. James already prepared the contract. So after getting the deal we will sign the contract." I said.

"Okey.. tell Ni..."

"Okey, enough of the business talk. You Father and son always talk about business and business. Now no more talk of work in my dinning table." Mom said in her warning tone while pointing both of us.

"Okey..okey..fine. No more talk of business." Dad said while surrendering.

I and Preeti both chuckled looking at him surrendering to mom. He always use his bossy tone on me when it comes to business but keep his mouth shut when  Mom's around.

"Arre..where is Keerti." Dad asked while observing Keerti's absent at breakfast table.

"Dad..I'm here." Keerti said while walking towards the breakfast table.

We both still don't talk to each other, especially me. It's been a week of that incident when she left Preeti on road and it make my mood sore whenever I think about it. Dad doesn't know about it otherwise he will talk to me about this.

Preeti is behind me to forgive keerti but I always closed the topic before it's start. I still mad on her and she didn't even apologize to Preeti. Our love for keerti make her acted like a spoiled brat.

"Wake up early dear. You always in a rush for breakfast." Mom said looking at her.

"I got a call mom that's why I am late." She took the sit beside mom. I saw Preeti took a step towards her to serve her but before she could approach her Keerti served herself.

"Preeti beta...why are you not having breakfast with us." Mom asked while looking at Preeti.

"It's okay Mom. I'll have later. I am not hungry." She said while buttering the bread for me.

I looked at her for the reason and she gave me a small smile.

"No...eat with us." I hold her hand and make her seat on my beside chair.

She slowly take her hand away under mine and put it on her lap.

She is still shy to hold my hand in front of everyone but I like when she makeout with me in front of everyone in her drunken state.

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