10 ᴥ Boys

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So many new faces, but one stood out with his inviting smile and alluring voice. There was something supernatural about it, but even with it shut out I wanted to know more

Bella and Edward were wrapped in eachother's embrace as I sighed, leaning my head back on the cracked concrete beneath me. I ached from the way Edward threw my body into the ground, literally. I knew this wasn't the end of out time in Volterra, and that was proven by the figures that emerged from the shadows, but at least everyone was alive....for now. I stared up at the figure towering over me, their boots stopping just at the top of my head. There were three of them and they wore black cloaks, similar to my red one, with their hoods all raised.

"Well, this is all wonderful but I think it's time we go tell Aro this good news, don't you think?" One of the figures said.

"No, actually. I think we'll be going. Pass along the news for me, though, Felix." Edward replied, standing in front of Bella.

"I actually think he'd like to hear it from you directly," A second shadow figure said. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I watched Edward's jaw clench, "Alright, Corinna why don't you take Bella to enjoy the festival?"

His eyes shifted to mine and they were completely void of the anger he had for me just moments ago when I tried to save his life. But the look on his face told me he would be more grateful if I saved Bella, and truthfully in this moment I'd rather save her. I nodded my head, complying with his request. As I tried to sit up, however, the cloaked guard waiting patiently with his boots just barely touching the top of my head ever so slightly lifted one boot and pressed it into my shoulder, holding me where I was.

"I think Aro would like to see Bella is alive, hm?" Felix posed it as a suggestion, but his voice was commanding. "Say, Demetri, do me a favor and help escort our guests."

The two of them started to circle Edward, and I watched his push Bella behind him protectively. He wouldn't let them take her without a fight. I sighed as I tried to sit up again, pushing the boot off my shoulder. I didn't get much further than standing before the figure trying to keep me in place grabbed me from behind, holding my shoulders and whispering in my ear.

"I wouldn't get involved, love." His voice was deeper than the shrill tone of Felix. "We have more friends joining."

Despite knowing I had to help Edward and protect Bella as I had promised, something about the man's voice was alluring - convincing. Our kind was known for irresistable persuasion, but not usually between each other. This was something different. Maybe it was the softness in his voice, or the gentle way his hands were holding me, as if he would let me go if I asked. I stayed put.

Just as a deep growl came from Edward's chest, a familiar smiling face skipped through a side door. Alice was beaming as she took off her scarf and sunglasses, stepping in front of Edward casually.

"Hello boys," her voice was cheerful and I hoped that meant things in the near-future looked good.

I watched Felix and Demetri relax, backing down once they realized it was a fair fight now. I still couldn't see the man behind me, but Alice peeked over my shoulder at him and then scrunched her eyebrows together just slightly as she glanced to me next. She saw something, but I knew she wouldn't say anything unless I asked - and now wasn't the time.

"Now, why the hold up? There's a lovely festival going on outside." Alice was smiling again.

"Such a lovely day outside, too," I joked flatly. "I'd love to enjoy the sun."

Edward glared at me but I heard the man holding my shoulders chuckle, just slightly, under his breath. I would have missed it had he not been right next to my ear.

"Enough. Aro is waiting." A new voice joined the party.

She was young, very young, early teens. Her small frame and high-pitched voice should have made her look innocent, less intimidating. But everyone around us tensed up, and once I realized who she was, so did I.

"Jane," Edward sighed, letting his guard down.


Bella was shivering violently as we made our way through the cold and bleak tunnels running underneath the scary and gloomy vampire castle that held the scary and gloomy vampire royalty. In other circumstances, I would have laughed at the fairytale-like feeling of it all. Like a story told to keep kids in line. But as Bella clutched to Edward - effectively making her even more cold - I realized I was still wearing her jacket.

I shrugged my arms out of the red cape that had a long tear at the bottom from trying to hold Edward back. I tried to balance it on my shoulders so I could use my free hands to take the jacket off, but I felt it start to slip. As I decided it didn't matter if I left it down here, two hands pulled the cloak back up, wrapping it securely around my shoulders until I could slip my arms back in it.

The man from earlier was standing behind me still, and I assumed it was him, but I had yet to face him and see what he looked like nor had I learned his name. I stopped walking until Bella and Edward caught up and helped her pull the jacket over her arms, wrapping it tightly around her. She smiled as a thank you, but we had arrived at the "throne room" before the jacket could fufill it's purpose in the tunnels.

It was bright in here from the startling flourescent lights on the ceiling. Three large chairs sat atop a small flight of stairs, hence the nickname "throne room", but they were all empty. Felix, Demetri, and the unnamed man all spread out across the room, taking off their hoods and visibly relaxing in the new surroundings as more people entered the room behind us.

My eyes settled on the soothing voiced man, finally able to see his face. He was younger than I thought he was, around my age but probably closer to Emmett's age. His hair was curly, shorter than Alice's but longer than Edwards, and it was a deep brown like Bella's without the red highlights that poked through in the sunlight. His face was the same, perfect carved marble as the rest of us, but his features were beautiful underneath the hardened skin we were trapped in. In another life I imagined his skin was tanned, freckles littered across his nose and cheeks. And, of course, his eyes...his red, thirsty eyes.

Eyes that were taking in my appearance just as I was his.

I tried to take my eyes away, but it was like I couldn't. It felt like I was glued to him. I narrowed my eyes at him, shutting off my mind just in case something beyond my control was going on. Blinking a couple times, I realized I could look away again. I looked back anyways to find him smiling. His smile was perfect, even by vampire standards, and I was surprised to find myself smiling back until his eyes flickered over my head to the entryway behind me.

I turned to find the last two cloaked vampires entering the room. These robes were pitch black as opposed to the dark grey ones the others wore. They floated across the room, impossibly graceful and incredibly silent. As they took their seats in the two outside chairs, the man sitting in the center one rose, even more graceful than them, and danced down the stairs to the center of the room.

"I'm so glad everyone could make it!" The man clapped his hands twice and laughed, a pitchy and shrill noise.

The room was silent for a few minutes, no one introducing themselves, no one breathing. I looked around to see if anyone was going to speak up. After another moment of silence I stepped forward ahead of Alice, Edward, and Bella.

"You must be Aro."

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