34. Animals

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"If you don't stop these animals then I swear I'll put a bullet into their nonexistent brains!" Luciano muttered angrily besides me.

I sigh completely used to my friends and amused at Luciano's anger. Its not really surprising how my idiot friends behave on a plane if you guys remember the plane ride to Hawaii.

Well this is worse than that one because that was just my friends and now even Luciano's brothers are here and just imagine what would happen when Angelo and Lorenzo are there with us.

I got to know that Angelo and Lorenzo also live with Luciano in New York and they only came to Hawaii to meet me aka the girl who beat Luciano in a fight and the one who dared to call herself his Queen.

Ivan stays with Serena and Leo in Hawaii as he likes peace more. He is not really into this mafia stuff.

Well he is a softie after all.

These assholes are actually behaving like starved pigs who got food after a month and they're fucking fighting over it.

"Even your brothers are fighting. Why dont you ask them to stop!?" I snapped at him annoyed with everyone around me.

Emma is sitting at a far corner away from these kids glaring at them because she is unable to listen to her songs even with her big ass headphones.

I feel you sister.

"Do you think I would be asking you to stop them if they listened to me?" He said glaring at me.

"Well its not my fault you're bad at being a mafia don!" I muttered but he heard it as his glaring intensified making me press my lips so that I don't laugh at him.

Why are you like this Valentina? Who the hell laughs when someone is mad at them?

I do and you know that.

"THAT WAS MY PIZZA SLICE YOU ROTTEN EGG!" I look at Vanessa yelling at Eric.

"But..we are dating babe..." Eric started with a low voice and wide eyes.


Seriously!? Eric out of all people should know not to do that but he had to act stupid.

"That's it! I'm never going on a fucking plane with these aliens!" Luciano hissed clenching his hands into a tight fist.

"You will get used to them my love." I smiled mockingly at him.

"This is not funny Ms. Martinez and I do not appreciate you making fun of it." He said sternly staring into my eyes.

"Fine..no need to get mad at me but you're kinda stupid you know?" I said chuckling making him turn completely towards me.

"Is that so?" He asked putting his hand on the back of my seat.

"Yeah. This is a fucking private jet which belongs to you and you know you have a damn private room here. Just go and stay there if you have a problem." I snapped at the end.

The Fine Art Of Annoying A Mafia KingΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα