43. Creepy

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"Valentina... We checked the entire place..." I turned around to find Mason and he stopped speaking after looking at my confused face.

"I called them after I came into the kitchen." Cody stated making me nod in understanding.


"There was a camera installed in the garden area." He said making me tense.

Its nothing new. It was obvious when we didn't find him or anyone else in the garden.

"Did you check the whole house?" I asked calmly.

"I checked the periphery. Others are checking the place from inside. I also found one at the backside by the pool and one by the entrance." He explained, putting the coin sized structure on the table beside me.

Really!? What is he going to get out of this! There is a limit to being creepy and this asshole has crossed them all but then again what can we expect from him other than this!?

I've never seen these types of cameras though. They're weird.

"There are cameras everywhere in the house." Derek spoke coming to stand next to Mason.

"Everywhere you say?" I asked as I felt the cold Valentina coming to surface.

This is absolutely getting out of hand. He has been out of my life since last three years then why is he coming like this all of a sudden? And he was the kind of person who would just come and speak directly that he wants something or whatever thr problem is. He never did these stalker things.

"Yes. Even your room." He stated showing no emotions on his already expressionless face.

"My room!?" I whispered as my heart started beating faster than usual.

What the fuck!? How can someone be like this!?

I look towards Cody and he shakes his head trying to calm me but that's not going to happen anytime soon. This is too much happening in just a night.

"Okay. Anything else?" I asked as calm and composed as I can look from the outside.

"Not from my side." He answered shaking his head a little.

I nod and close my eyes breathing deeply. I seriously cannot believe this is happening right now. How the hell did be even manage to come inside this place!?
There is security everywhere.

"Hey!" James entered followed by Elijah, Ryder and Eric.

"We checked Cody and Eric's room but the girls were sleeping so we didn't go there. We will do it as soon as they wake up." Ryder said and I nodded.

Eric must have woken up because of their checking.

"What's happening?" Eric asked sitting next to me his eyes showing concern.

"He has cameras everywhere in the house." I reply simply not having the energy to explain any further.

"What are we going to do now?" He asked.

Thats what I love about Eric. He is to the point type of person. He won't ask too many questions or react impulsively. He would simply want to straight way look for a solution instead.

"I don't know yet." I replied honestly.

"Coffee anyone?" Elijah asked looking at us and I shake my head with a no. I just had hot chocolate.

Its three in the morning and here we are thinking about this creep and what is he planning. I look outside the window in the kitchen into the darkness outside bringing me peace.

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