𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝓇ℯℯ

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Okay, I'm so charged right now that if not for one thing I would have updated this chapter last night.
For those of you that read the last chapter, tell me did you dream about what would happen next? Because I always do that in all my stories, lol.

Now! Back to business.
Read on ↓↓↓


"The truth never costs you anything, but a lie could cost you everything." -Unknown


Her hands were getting cold and wet by the second that passed. She felt like she was going to pee on her panties soon. She lost the appetite to continue the food that was placed before her, but it wasn't like she had an appetite in the first place. She made bad food; such that if she ate it in a restaurant she would have definitely lashed out at the cook for putting her money to waste.

"What did you study in school and what was your inspiration to study it?" Matthew's mother continued throwing unending questions her way.

"Uhm...I studied Business Administration at the University of Benin. I wanted to go into fashion and design but it wasn't easy for me. I love fabrics and clothing materials and styles and colors because...well...my mother used to be into that field and she was my source of inspiration." Though Doris never planned to be emotional about it, the thought of who their parents were in their lives, brought back memories with it.

Dorine was closer to their parents than she was, and Dorine certainly adored and shared in their mother's dream to become an expert fashion designer and own a fashion world of her own. She succeeded in getting that life. Now, she was married to a man that would understand and support her dreams but what of Doris' dreams. Her dreams and her life were about to play out before she became a fool for her sister again and decided to take this incredulous risk. Now she was stuck in a relationship where she does not understand where it was headed, from where it started.

"That's nice to hear. Although I apologize about your parents." The woman spoke up.

Doris nodded her head. Her throat was closed up, she felt like any word she said now would sound out wrong.

No one spoke anymore. The question Matthew's mother asked, created huge tension in the dining room. They were all afraid that they might say something to worsen the already tight situation; they decided to keep silent and tried to enjoy the horrible food before them.

After a while, Mr. and Mrs. Udochi washed their hands in a bowl of water kept on the table.

"My children, it was a long day today. My wife and I are tired from the long journey we had, so, we'll retire to bed. You two should as well" Raphael announced as he stood from his seat and wiped his hands with a small towel provided.

Shortly after, his wife did the same and then linked her right hand to his left before they bade the younger couple goodnight and made their way to their bedroom "Kachifoo! Goodnight!" Ruth called over her shoulder before they disappeared.

"I apologize for the things my mother brought up, it's just her way of getting close to you." That was the first time Matthew said a word since they started eating.

"It's... okay," she replied. The woman may not have intentionally hurt her by bringing up the past, but it doesn't feel bad as much as looking them all in the eye and lying to them feels. "I understand her. I also want to apologize for the terrible dinner, cooking isn't my strongest point."

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