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"Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the one person you thought would never hurt you. " -Unknown


It was all a new experience for her. Being married. Living with four more occupants in a house. Sleeping on same bed with a man. All these she was recently exposed to because of Dorine. Regardless, it would seem the changes in her life were not going away anytime soon.

For the first time in her life, she was travelling as one of the first class passengers on an airplane. She never travelled by one because it was just too expensive for her to afford, now she was currently taking advantage of the services which has been paid for, by her new husband.

It never occurred to them that they would be going on their honeymoon soon. Matthew had initially planned that they would leave when his parents returned to their own house in Osun, but after the after-party, plans changed. They were going through all the presents they received from their guests, when they tumbled upon a gift by Mr Sanchez Pius.

Sanchez Pius was currently the general manager of Raffles Hotel, Singapore. His hotel owned one share of the profits from Mr Udochi's Restaurant. He was their family's business partner and sadly, could not make it to the wedding. But he had sent them tickets to Singapore, also stating that they were free to stay at his hotel, in any room of their choice for two weeks. Ruth literally squealed and began to dance after they all heard the good news.

Matthew tried to convince his parents that it would be better to leave only after they have stayed to their hearts' content, but Ruth would not hear of it. She persuaded, more like pressurized them to take the offer while it was still fresh. ' Strike while the iron's hot', was her motto.

Everything resulted in the fact that they were now in the plane headed to Singapore.

Doris stared out the window, at the frost-like cloud. Although she was nervous about what would happen in Singapore, she was internally happy that they were heading towards Dorine. If her twin sister thought she could escape from this, then she had no idea what was arriving her way. Doris planned to take her unaware, then have them switch places again. She goes back to her old life and work, while her sister comes into this new life.

She ran her hand over her neck, which was a habit of hers whenever she became nervous. Her hand suddenly came in contact with the cold metal chain on her neck. She trailed her fingers down to the diamond stone.
Matthew had given her this piece of necklace as a marriage gift. It brought back memories of months ago.

She walked into the clothing accessories store. She needed to buy herself a jacket, trousers and socks, to protect her body and skin from the harmattan. The change in the weather is proportional to change in her body too. During this period, her skin becomes dry and scaly despite the numerous creams she applied. Her face too turns white if she does not apply moisturizer, and her hair literally looks unkempt. She always had to plait it to keep looking good and sane.

To top it all, in her line of work, it would mean that she was being non-chalant and hardly taking care of herself. In order for you to pass up a chance to play as a major character, some things have to be put into consideration. The crew would not choose anyone to play the role of Cinderella, when there were more beautiful girls they could select from.

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