Chapter Nine

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One and a half pints of ice cream later and I was still unsure of what had just transpired

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One and a half pints of ice cream later and I was still unsure of what had just transpired.

Layla had obviously informed Nate of where I'd been staying as the scene he'd created was straight out of his playbook.

The words he'd spoken still shook me to my core, reminiscent of the lines he'd always spouted when we were together.

Every word broke me down further until I started to believe that what he was saying was the truth, my self esteem in the toilet along with my self worth.

I knew it wasn't true, but I didn't realize just how wrong he was until Emmett stood up for me in the most unexpected of ways.

When his arm rested across my shoulders and declared to Nate that we were together floored me, and before I could even express how grateful I was to him he acted like it had never even happened in the first place.

We all shuffled in the kitchen, sans Reed as he'd volunteered to take Nate back to his apartment, and sat at the bar to eat ice cream as I'd suggested.

"Oh hey, how was your game tonight?"

My ears quirked up at Lucas' inquiry. I hadn't even realized Emmett had a game that night. I'd been a little busy...

Emmett's face lit up like I'd never seen before and it created a fluttering in my stomach, one that I told to shut up as soon as I felt it.

"We whooped them twenty-eight to three! But that's not the best part. The scout who came to watch me play called and said he wanted to speak with me about my future in football on Monday."

"Holy shit dude, that's amazing! So you gonna be a Patriot now? Give the Super Bowl a shot?"

I didn't realize just how successful Emmett was with his football career, and I cringed as I remembered mocking his injury the night we met.

Our gaze met almost instantaneously and it was as if we were remembering the exact same moment together.

The heat from his stare was pinning me to my seat and Lucas could sense the awkward tension floating in the air around us.

We finally broke eye contact after what felt like hours, the feel of his icy eyes staring into my soul carrying a blush to my face that hadn't appeared in years.

"That's the dream. Won't know anything for sure until I speak with him Monday, but my chances are looking good."

"Well congrats man, don't forget the little people when you make it big. Alright well I'm headed to bed, I have some computer analyzations and data configurations to work on in the morning before heading off to work. Goodnight, Lydia don't eat all our ice cream."

I threw him the middle finger as Lucas sauntered off to his room leaving Emmett alone in the kitchen with me, something that caused a stutter in my rapid heart rate.

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