Chapter Two (Part 2)

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"Scott!  I thought you said you'd stop playing like a rookie!  Now show me that you meant it!"

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"Scott! I thought you said you'd stop playing like a rookie! Now show me that you meant it!"

The black rubber pellets from the turf embedded into my skin fell off of me unceremoniously as I stood from my most recent play, my muscles aching more than I'd ever experienced in my entire life.

Usually if a team won, they'd have the next day off, but not us. I mentally cursed myself for choosing the Patriots when a scout from the Cowboys had approached me before I made my final decision but I didn't have a say once the draft pick rolled around and I was chosen in a much later round leading to less money but my manager reminded me that some important names in the game came from late round picks.

I had been hazed, ridiculed, tortured and finally accepted onto the team, completely forgetting about my old rival as he hadn't even been drafted whatsoever.

The old hauntings of Marnie and Drayton whispered away after my first practice and the litany of paparazzi that followed my almost every move. One flit on the internet proved that I wasn't over exaggerating the attention surrounding my name, and I was just happy that they hadn't traced me back to my parents, the old secrets settling in my bones like an ancient home.

Soon enough it was time to hit the showers and I was more than thankful, an ice bath calling my name.

My post-practice ritual over, I nursed a few cuts and scrapes, noting a particularly strong bruise coloring the side of my cheek from a nasty collision from the game the night before, and winced while sucking air through my teeth as I examined it in the bathroom mirror back at my home...more like penthouse, the earnings that had already flooded into my bank account since signing a nice bonus to the pain accompanying my job.

It still hadn't hit me that I was a professional football player, something I had dreamed about my entire life, even after all the paparazzi, screaming fans in the stands and countless women throwing themselves at me.

I had partaken in the company of a few women since my new status, but it had never filled the void in my chest that had never dissipated since she left.

I knew we were in the same city, so close yet so far away. A quick look through her socials told me she was thriving at Harvard, at least that was how it seemed. She looked different, though, with a sad twinge to her features in some of her pictures that showed her face.

Amalia was deceptively harder to pinpoint, and once I went searching for her just to find more information on Lydia I realized that I was treading on dangerous stalker territory but it was almost like I couldn't help myself.

Radio silence since she'd left for Harvard and it was like a piece of me was missing, a broken raw emptiness that threatened to drown me in its tangled existence.

Was she as ruined as me? Was she still going over every stolen kiss, caress, impulsive action that they'd indulged in before that gruesome breakup?

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