Chapter Fourteen

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I was running, searching for an escape when I knew there was none

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I was running, searching for an escape when I knew there was none. His face kept popping up out of nowhere and making me rethink my next move.

He cornered me in the back of the room and all at once I saw my life flashing before my eyes.

A shock of lighter hair, green eyes with slight wrinkles and time worn yellow spots swimming in them.

"What do you want from me?"

He grew three sizes before my eyes and his teeth elongated into fangs large enough to slice me in half with a single bite.

I screamed as he descended upon me and I was lost to him.

I awoke in a startled sweat, my throat raw from the scream that had ripped through me and pulled me out of my slumber, surely waking the rest of the house with me.

Sure enough, not two seconds later and a hard knock sounded on my door.

"Lydia! Are you okay," Lucas called through the other side of the door.

"I'm fine, just a nightmare, go back to sleep."

Susceptible to vulnerability and in turn even more nightmares, I cut my losses after my third attempt to fall back to sleep without imagining the dark spots in my eyes as ghosts of my past out to get me and took my self pity party to the bathroom for a three A.M. soak in the bathtub.

The water was a perfect match for my heated skin. I let it flow over me like air, pouring in bath salts and stayed in until my skin was pruny and the water had gone frigid.

My reflection was cold as my hair against my back as my mind tried to force the bad memories down, down, down until they were as concealed as government secrets.

The longer I stared at myself the longer I wanted to punch the girl looking back at me in the face. I knew why I'd stayed so long in a toxic relationship with Nate, and it wasn't because we had gotten comfortable with each other and I was scared to leave what I'd known.

He made my relationship with my mother strained and isolated me from all of my real friends who didn't mean me harm like Layla had.

My body physically didn't want me to remember, because then it would all be too real.

But it was real, because Layla and Nate had read everything in my journal...the only place I could ever be honest with myself about anything.

Thinking about saying the words out loud about what had really happened made me feel the urge to vomit, the pressure under my chin growing until the morbidity of the situation dawned on me and flashes of the repressed moments from my childhood began playing in the back of my head.

It was like when you have a disgustingly awful thought that you didn't want to have but it pushed itself through anyway, forcing you to realize how terrible of a human being you really were.

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