Four - Suspicions

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She felt dizzy, her head spinning. Murder? Someone murdered Harlan? Impossible...

"You think someone murdered my grandfather?"

"Now Benny, don't jump to conclusions,"  cautioned Elliot.

"I'm not," insisted Blanc. 

"B-but who would do that? No one else was here besides the family..." And Fran and Marta, but they were like family, close to Harlan.  He couldn't possibly think one of the family had done it, could he? "What are you suggesting, Detective? Harlan was surrounded by his friends and family, his nearest and dearest, his loved ones.  Are you suggesting that one of them did this?" She scoffed.  "This is unbelievable.  I can't believe you would even suggest that."

"Ms. Drysdale-" 

"So is this an interview or an interrogation?"

"Ms. Drysdale, please-"

"I'm not that close to my family, but I know they're not murderers! And I will not sit here and listen to you accuse us of murdering Harlan!" With that she flew to her feet and stormed from the library, slamming the door behind her.

Stupid Benoit Blanc - how could he? How dare he! 

"'Get an accurate picture of the evening', yeah right. That's bullshit. Point the murderous finger at my family, more like."

She stormed out the front door. There she found Meg sitting on the front porch.

"You smoking something?" 

"No," her cousin replied.

"You don't have to hide it from me. Besides, I can smell it on you." Flora took at seat next to her.

"How'd it go with the police?"

"Terrible.  That Detective Blanc guy thinks someone murdered Granddad."

"Bullshit." Meg took a drag of whatever it was she was smoking. "That's crazy. Who would do that?"

"Yeah, exactly." Flora sighed.  She didn't say anything out loud, but she  hoped her cousin was right and the detective was not.


Due to my grandfather's sudden death back in the States-

Backspace. Backspace. Backspace.

Due to a death in the family-

Backspace. Backspace. Backspace.

Due to a family emergency, postings will be delayed until further notice. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

She had to get out of the house. Had  to.  So she brought her laptop out with her to her favourite coffee shop in town.  And you could usually guarantee wireless internet access at coffee shops. 

She ordered a strong coffee - the strongest they would make for her - and plopped herself down at one of the empty booths along the windows with her laptop. She finished the latest post, adding the note at the end to let all her readers know why she would be absent from posting for the next little while  - at least. 

She wanted to bury herself in her work, but knew that she would not do her best work in her current overwhelmed state. She just needed a break from the house, the family, the ongoing investigation - she needed to clear her head. 

"I'll have a medium regular coffee please and thank you, room for cream and sugar, please."

The smooth Southern accent caught her attention. Looking up at the front cash desk, she saw Blanc, Elliot, and Wagner ordering their own drinks.

A Twisted Web - Benoit BlancTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon