Whyyyyyyyyyyyy x Chris

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I saw someone bring up this idea in my book somewhere... Enjoy even tho you did not request it lol. (Also I like Drillbit Taylor if ya know ya know).

     I made my way down the halls, just another day with my friend Ronnie. It was the first day of school of our junior year and we were looking for some new kids to pick on.

"Looky there Y/N, glasses, 9 o'clock," Ronnie smirked.

       I looked where Ronnie was pointing to see a blonde guy in glasses clinging books to his chest while attempting to open a locker. We made our way to him.

"Well look what we have here Ronnie," I stated as I slid to the boys right side.

"Well look at that, a new kid," Ronnie stated in his New Jersey-esque accent.

"H-Hello," he responded nervously, "My name is Chris I'm a Junior."

"What should we do to him Y/N?" Ronnie asked.

"What?" Chris asked nervously before attempting to back away.

      Ronnie shoved him against the locker and chuckled. Something about this guy felt different. I felt bad for him when Ronnie shoved him against the locker.

"Hey Ronnie, this one is all mine," I stated.

"Awe but Y/N I want some fun," Ronnie replied.

"Next time Ronnie."

       I grabbed the now shaking boys arm and pulled him into the closest girls restroom. I checked if anyone was in there, no one. I pulled Chris into the handicap stall and locked it.

"P-Please no swirlies-" He begged.

"Shh- I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Y-You aren't?"

"No. What's your story new kid?"

"I- I got severely bullied at my old school. So much so that I had to leave."

       Without another word Chris adjusted the collar and raised the sleeves of his turtle neck to show bruises.

"I was once thrown in a dumpster and they sat on the lid until I blacked out, just listening to me scream."

         I reached out to hug Chris and he flinched. I slowly hugged the boy and sat down pulling him with me. I sat against the wall and laid his head on my chest.

"You're sage now," I promised.

"I thought you were the bully."

"Which means when I say you won't get hurt no one will touch you, they're all either working for me or afraid of me."

He chuckled, "That's how Mafia works."

     I chuckled and began slowly scratching the top of his skull feeling him calm and hug me a little tighter. Soon enough I felt the boy fall asleep on me.

"I think now might be the time to turn things around."

Lmfao I just wanted to write some weird shit after being gone for like years. I went through a breakup and of course quarantine shit. I want to try writing stuff  on current events so expect that if I manage to continue. YEET.

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