Calming the Storm x Josh

670 19 8

Your POV

      I walked out of the school as the final bell rang for 7th period. Most of the school was empty considering most people didn't have a 7th period so I took my time to calmly walk through the halls. As I turned to the left wing of the school I noticed a small figure. Worried, I made my way closer. As I neared the figures I realized it was a curled up boy, Josh Washington actually.

"J... Josh (I guess this is the correct way to write a stutter I dunno. I'll learn.) Are you okay?" I asked.

         Josh's head flung up to look at me faster than I've ever seen someone move. He scanned my face for a moment then jumped up and hugged me.

"Y/N! You have to help me! It's all my fault!" Josh yelled crying.

           Josh was visibly out of it. His long sleeve shirt was torn and blood was lining the tear. He was both using me for balance and struggling to hold onto me.

"Josh, can I take you to my car please?" I asked calmly, "I want to make sure you are safe."

              I felt him nod against my stomach before grabbing his hand and non bleeding arm. I led Josh to my car and helped him into my back seat before following. I reached into my trunk and grabbed my first aid kit.

"Can you tell me what's wrong while I stop you from bleeding?" I asked.

"Y...Yeah," Josh gulped as I began treating his wound, "My...My sisters. They died, it's all my fault."

"How did they die, if you mind me asking," I asked.

"We...My friends and I, we went up to my families winter home and my friends pulled a prank on my sister. I could've stopped them if I wasn't fucking drinking!" Josh yelled angrily, throwing his arm at my car seat, making me spill the hydrogen peroxide.

"Josh! Josh come here," I tried to stay calm.

Josh looked at me and huffed out a large breath. I could see the pain in his eyes, he was struggling.

"Listen, we don't know each other well and clearly getting you to talk about your problems is making it worse. Can I take you to my place and just... Hang out so you can relax?" I asked.

Josh sat calmly for a moment before nodding. I hopped out of my car and climbed into the front seat.

"There's a blanket and pillow in the back if you want to lay down while we drive, it'll be a minute," I stated.

I heard rustling as he grabbed the blanket and laid down. We drove silently for a bit and I occasionally glanced at him through the mirror. Once we arrived Josh and I walked into my house and up to my room. I waved to my parents and announced I was going to be with Josh. We sat on my bed for a moment in silence.

"Make yourself at home," I laughed.

             Josh laid down in my soft blanket, smiling a little.

"I see a smile!" I laughed.

               Josh chuckled a bit. I picked up my pillow and lightly hit Josh.

"Hey!" He laughed.

                Josh picked up another pillow and slapped me back. Soon enough we got into a huge pillow fight.

*Begins Montage Lmao*

"You have a dog?" Josh screamed in excitement.

         My behemoth of a dog, Bear, jumped onto Josh's lap. They both fell to the floor and I feared for a second before I heard loud laughing.

           Josh picked up a hair brush and began singing y/f/s/I/g/l (Your favorite song I guess lmao). I grabbed the brush from him and slapped him before he took my hands and started dancing with me.

            I hopped on my bed and Josh tackled me. I looked deeply into his eyes for a moment, this was the happiest I've been in so, so long.

"Y/N!" I heard my mom call.


"Coming mom!" I yelled back, crawling out from under Josh.

              After a minute of explaining who Josh was I returned to my room.

"Let's make a pillow fort!" Josh yelled like a child.

      We laughed and threw together a pretty good pillow fort. Josh and I laid in it and bear found his way next to me. We pulled up a random movie on Netflix and just laid there silently.

"Y/N?" Josh asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning to look at him.

"I don't know if this is too forward but... I've never fallen for someone as quick as I've fallen for you," he stated nervously scratching his neck.

"Josh..." I began.

        I grabbed Josh's cheek and pulled him in for a soft, slow kiss.

"Dammit Y/N," Josh murmured.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Now I'm falling harder!"

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