41 - Wolfstar/Jilly

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Lily: So, why don't you have a girlfriend, Remus?

Remus: .....

Remus: Excuse me?

Lily: You are a wonderful person! Any girl would be lucky to have you.

James: What do you mean, 'any girl'?

Lily: Easy there, you're safe. Seriously though, do you have anyone you like?

Remus: Sirius-

Lily: Don't look at him for help. Are they in our year? Or are you even open to any suggestions, because I know a few girls who have expressed an interest in you.

Remus: Stop laughing! Padfoot, help me out!

Sirius: Yeah, Moony can be quite shy. Do you have any suggestions?

Remus: You complete-

Sirius: Yes, you complete me too, but where should we begin? I know you like brunettes.

James: Going a little red there, Moony.

Lily: See! That's the spirit! You will have someone special in no time.

Remus: Too late-

Lily: Don't be such a pessimist. Right, so brunettes-

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