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Thank you so much for the support! I know this is gonna sound stupid but I honestly wasn't expecting 11 reads! Thank you 😊

Anyway on with the story


Harry and Draco woke up to the murmurs of the Weasley family. Arthur was fiddling with a Muggle camera and Ron and George were snickering in the corner.

Without realising Harry let out a small warning growl, which instantly shut the brothers up. Hermione laughed at the boys shocked faces.

"I told you he wouldn't like it."

Draco rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, looking adorably half asleep. When he caught sight of Harry his face lit up, making the other blush.

"Morning." He whispered, helping Harry up from his make shift bed. Harry allowed himself to be dragged up.

"Breakfasts ready!" Molly called from the kitchen. A thunder of feet could be heard as everyone flocked to the table. Draco hung back, looking sheepishly at the Weasley family.

"Come on Draco. There is plenty for everyone." Molly said, ignoring the eye rolls from Ginny and Ron. Draco smiled gratefully and sat himself opposite Harry.

Their feet stayed connected throughout the meal. As if they could not part for even a second.

Once they had devoured their meal, the two unlikely soulmates - along with Hermione, Ron and George - went outside to test their powers.

First Hermione wanted to figure out what animal persona they would adopt in general. "Ok so I want Harry to put this blindfold on, and Draco I will cast a few safe spells to see what Harry will do." The two nodded.

Harry walked a fair bit away then stopped to tie on the blindfold, not before giving Draco a nervous smile.

Hermione lifted her wand and  cried out 'Levicorpus'. Draco was hoisted if the ground by his ankles. He couldn't help but let out a small yelp of fear.

Harry instantly ran to him tearing of the blindfold. To everyone's amazement he leaped and hovered in the air. No wings to keep him there, no charm was uttered. He was just floating, clinging onto Draco and growling defensively.

Hermione looked as if she was about to pass out from excitement. The Weasley brothers were standing speechless, mouths basically on the dirt.

"Harry. Harry you're flying."

Harry stopped growling. He spun around only now realising what he was doing. When he began to panic he fell to the ground with an 'oof'.

Hermione set Draco on the floor who went to Harry's aid. Despite falling five feet, Harry was laughing hysterically.

"I can bloody fly. This is incredible." As if on cue he started to hover again. This time Draco joined him. Soon they were way above the house laughing and twirling round eachother. They could hear the laughs and cheers from below, by this point the entire family was watching them.

"I love you Draco."

A pink blush covered Draco's face. He took his mates hand and twirled him around making him giggle.

"I love you too Harry." It was Harry's turn to blush.

They slowly made their decent, making sure not to fall. When their feet touched the ground they were flooded with questions along the lines of 'how on earth did you do that?' or 'what spell were you using'.

"Hermione. Do you have any explanation for what the hell just happened?" Harry asked with genuine curiosity. Hermione just shrugged a wide smile covering her face.

"That has never been seen before. You two are incredible." Draco and Harry laughed sheepishly.

"Come on mate, show us again." Ron yelled. Harry laughed and jumped back up into the air, Draco quickly following suit. They showed of for about half an hour before they discovered another shocking ability.

The boys had been flying around when suddenly Draco started to fall, eyes tightly shut. Hermione caught him before he hit the floor luckily. Harry flew back down and knelt by him.

Draco's face was paler than usual, a slight blue tinge was creeping around the edges of his face. Harry unintentionally grabbed Draco's mark and whispered words even he didn't know the meaning of. It was like pure instinct. Draco's eyes fluttered open, the runes appearing on his forehead.

"What- What happened. One minute I was in the air and next thing I had passed out. Wait why are you looking at me funny?" The more Draco spoke the more prominent the runes became, and they spread. Soon all of his skin was covered in grey markings.

When Draco noticed them he began to panic, which only made them glow brighter. Harry was studying Draco's face searching for any signs of injury when Hermione's voice pierced through his thoughts.

"Harry what language was that? We couldn't understand a word you were saying. And how did you wake him up?"

"Enough Hermione!" Harry roared, his eyes turning a deep red and his white rune flashing on his skin much like Draco's.

Hermione stepped back, hands in the air. "I'm so sorry Hermione. I don't know where that came from. I have absolutely no idea what language that was...or what I did to wake you up Draco."

His eyes returned to their normal emerald green. Hermione accioed a notepad and pencil and begun taking extensive notes off what they had all witnessed.

Harry picked Draco up and carried him back into the burrow, much to Draco's protest.

"I don't believe your fine. Noone who's passes out is fine." Draco knew by the tone of his voice not to argue. He was placed back down on the couch.

"I just have one more question for you Harry. I promise I will leave you alone after this." Hermione said rather timidly.

"Of course 'Mione. What is it?"

"Can you read the runes?"


I am loving this book so far! I can't wait to showcase more of their powers because trust me they are extensive!

Until next time lovelies
~ Charlotte

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