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I am so excited for this one!!!!
For reference the picture above is the cake Draco makes (he is extra ok!)


Harry and Draco stared at  each other in shock. Their relationship was prophesied by Merlin. Merlin. How could this be possible.

"Dray..." Harry tried to talk but couldn't find the words to make a coherent sentence so have up.

"I know."



"I only said your name...did you just-" Harry stopped talking, finishing his sentence mentally. 'did you just read my mind?'

Draco stared at him wide eyed, realising his lips never parted to say the last part.

"Oh wow. This is amazing. This is actually amazing. We can fly, speak telepathically and do wandless magic. None of which can be done. Not even dumbledoor could do this shit!"

Harry was practically vibrating with excitement. He jumped of the sofa, slamming the book closed as he pulled Draco up with him.

Draco giggled at Harry's pure joy.

"Fuck your adorable." Draco clamped his hand to his mouth, a bright red flush covering his face.
He didn't mean to say that out loud.

Harry giggled at his awkwardness, pulling him into a chaste kiss.

"The prophecy said that we will restore peace or something like that. Do you think Merlin had predicted the war? Is that what he means?" Harry said when he pulled away.

Draco shrugged, he was a bit cross that he had pulled away so soon.

"I don't know Harry. But one thing's for sure. We won't be restoring anything from here. We are kind of in hiding if you haven't noticed." He said, playfully pushing Harry back onto the couch.

"Right. That." Harry huffed, looking slightly deflated. They looked out of the window to the graveyard below. The headstones glistened in the afternoon sun. Rays of light bounced of the newer stones, creating shafts of beautiful rainbow light. Funny how a place so full of despair could look so beautiful.

All the excitement quickly turned to exhaustion. The events from the past day had caught up with the two and they quickly fell asleep in the orange glow of the afternoon.


Draco awoke first. Upon realising it was past midnight he had resumed his position and tried to get back to sleep. However his sudden movements caused Harry to stirr.

"Sorry baby. I didn't mean to wake you." Draco whispered giving Harry a quick peck on the forehead.

"It's okay, Dray. We might as well get up now. I'm not going to get back to sleep any time soon."

"Or we could, ya know-" Draco said the next few words telepathically, which drew a gasp from Harry.

"Draco Malfoy! I never knew you were so dirty minded." Harry said with a smirk. "As tempting as your offer is, I am starving. Let's go eat!"

Draco reluctantly let Harry get up and walk to the door of the library. 'You coming' Harry thought, his eyebrow raised.

'Yes love' Draco replied with a roll of his eyes. They both made their way down stairs to the huge kitchen. The house was devoid of any life, including house elves. So Harry and Draco had to make their own meals. Not that that bothered them. They both loved to cook.

Harry made the main course and Draco made dessert. As they cooked they sang and laughed, acting like an old married couple. It was a sight. No one would believe that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy could ever get along this well. But here they were, the most unlikely pair making googly eyes at each other whilst covered in various bits of food!

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