Mourning you

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"Hold on Harry. You are going to be okay I promise." Draco comforted his boyfriend despite not knowing whether he could hear him or not.

A plethora of nurses and doctors surrounded the two boys. Draco refused to be separated fro. Harry and given his current state it would be dangerous to try and remove him forcefully. So they worked around the blonde, trying their best to figure out why Harry is in this state.

Their conclusion: unknown.

"What do you mean you don't know." Draco screams at the doctor who was tasked with breaking the news.

"Mr Malfoy, I assure you we are doing everything in our power. But his body is failing him. We have no idea why this is happening. It may have something to do with your ansestry, being an Aeterni."

Draco's world begins to collapse around him. He looks down at his other half wishing be could ease his suffering. But like everyone else, he had no clue how. He was helpless. Useless in his eyes. Tears began to fall.

Hermione came to comfort him but a ring of fire separated the bed from the rest of the room. Draco was left to grieve in peace, his mind set on the fact that his Harry may never return.

A heart wrenching cry came from him. It was so loud that the building shook. Raw power radiated from the blonde as his body shook from utter despair.

The room was silent, spare the fire and Draco's heartbreaking cries. Silent tears fell from the Weasleys, mourning the loss of a boy they considered family.

All of his hardship he faced to better this world, and he doesn't get to live to see his work. A cruel host is fate. Picking of the players before they can finish the game.

But fate always has a twist up her sleeve.

Is Harry dead? What will happen to Draco? Am I too cruel to you? You will have to wait to find out....*evil laugh*

Until next time 😏

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