Something about Trust

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Summer is coming to a end and I haven't seen my girlfriend in a couple of days. Still feels surreal calling her that. Anyways she went on vacation with her family and they just had to pick a place without 4g connection. She been gone for 5 day and just got back home yesterday. So you know I had to see her as soon as possible.

Im currently laying on her bed relaxed with her laying on my chest playing some game on her phone. I just lay there admiring the girl I used to call my best friend, the one who I had to listen to her endless boy trouble. The one who always held a space in my heart but never the way she has recently.

We been together for a couple of months now and she showed me the true her. Her generosity, her determination to see both of us succeed, her love for reading and writing, even though she'll never admit it, and her will to keep fight even when its against something she can't control, she showed me her true heart and its the most radiant and amazing thing I ever seen.

She look up at me, probably because I've been staring at her. I make the face I know always make her laugh and she do so. Her cute little laugh fulls the room with a snort sound she hates so much. I laugh because of how quick her face changes after she realized she snorted. This moment in time between us is perfect, nothing can ruin it... or so i thought

My phone start ringing and I sit up thinking it's my sister or Roy calling me but i was completely shocked when I look at the phone. My ex who i haven't spoken to in months face is on the screen. I was confused to as why she's calling me because the last time we spoke she said she wanted nothing to do with me because I wouldn't give her money and that she was in a happy relationship. So as to why she calling my phone I do not know.

I end the call without answer but she calls right back. I look over to Brittany and the smile that was just on her face disappeared and she now look confuse and upset. I decline the call again and she calls again, I don't know what to do my heart racing, palms sweating, only thing on my mind is Bri not getting the wrong idea but I think its too late for that. I decide to just text her so she can stop calling like crazy

Me: yo Im with my girlfriend

Jass: the only girl friend you can have is me

Me: 😂😂😂

Jass: Don't make me come to your house and fuck you up

Me: good luck with that

I sent that message and turned my phone off. I shouldn't have did that Brittany gives me a weird look and gets up and walks out the room.


What the hell was that about? Not once in the 10+ years we knew each other have he not answered a call in front of me and then turns off his phone. Why did that person keep calling? Who is the mystery caller? Is that someone else he talking to? So many question going through my head and the answer Im coming to is making me upset. Come on that's some suspicious activity if i ever seen any.

I calm myself down before entering back into my room. Im not a jealous or insecure type of female but when people start acting funny it hard for me not to react especially with my recent relationships. I don't like confrontations but this just not sitting right with me.

I go back in my room and he just starts at me. He tries to get me to lay back down but I can't just act like that didn't happen. So, I start cleaning my already spotless room. Moving stuff around unnecessarily. It a copping mechanism I have, whenever I get really mad I clean.

Him already knowing this detail, sits up and sighs. I turn around and stare at him with a 'really' look. What he sighing for, I'm the one who don't know what's going on. I roll my eyes and turn around and continue to rearrange my stand. He start calling my name. I ignore him at first but he doesn't stop. He insist on me speaking to him

"What" I say

"Babe talk to me"

"Go talk to who ever calling your phone like crazy" I mumbled. He sigh again. Opps guess he heard me. He sits up all the way on the bed and stares at me for a while.

"Bae come here" he says. I obliged and stands in front of him with my arm folded over my chest. He reach out and grabs the back of my legs and pulls me close. "Just ask the question on your mind"

"Okay, what was that about"

"That was my ex calling. I haven't talk to her since before we go together. I have no idea why she was calling and honestly I don't care, which is why I cut my phone off"

I look at him for a minute still tense, arm still folded in front of him. I look him in his eyes and can tell he is telling the truth. I relax a little and sit on his lap.

"Okay, you know I had to ask after what I just went through" I say before kissing him

"I know baby girl' all you had to do was ask"

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