Something about Hospitals

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Im sitting in Beth Israel Hospital waiting for Brittany's parents to get here. I called them soon as I got here and told them what happened and knowing how much of a mom's girl she is Im pretty sure her mom was in the car before I even told her which hospital. I decided to call my sister too because I know they worried about where I went after all the commotion.

"Hello" my sister Tia answers the phone.

"Hey um" I didn't really know what to say.

"What's wrong" she asks.

"Uh Bri got hit by a car and we at the hospital right now"

"Oh my god! Is she okay?"

"I don't know, they took in the back and since I'm not family they can't give me any information" and as if on cue Brittany's mom and dad walk through the door. They see me and rush over. "I'll call you back when I know more" I say hanging up the phone.

"What they say" Ms. Johnson asks soon as we are face to face with Mr. Johnson standing behind her.

"We was about to eat when she just got up and left without saying anything." I start to explain but was interrupted but a doctor asking for 'the family of Brittany Johnson'. Her mom rushes over to the small Asian women with me and her pops right behind her.

The doctor begins to explain her injuries, which was a lot more then I thought. She has a broken rib, bruised back,a broken arm, and not only did she have a head wound but also a concussion. All of that is bad but nothing prepared any of us for what came next. "She is currently stable" the doctor says getting out hopes up but then continues and says "but she also fell into a coma and when have no way of telling when she'll wake up".

"Oh my god" her mother screams and falls into her dads arm.

"Can we see her" Mr. Johnson asks.

"Of course, right this way" the doctor answers. I just fade into the background. I don't think i can see my girl laying there unconscious like that but I follow them anyway. We get to room 602. How ironic beings though our date is June 2.

Her mom and dad walk into the room. You can hear the cries from outside the door. Which is where I stand. I can't go in there. I can't see her like that. I want her to be up laughing trying to fight me or something not laying a hospital bed wrapped up in bandages without any knowledge that I'm even her.

I feel the tears sliding down my face. This is my fault. Maybe if i told her about my past with the other Brittany she wouldn't have believed the messages. Or maybe if I didn't live out the room she wouldn't of got the chance to leave out the house. I just wish she would have said something to me but I know she has trust issues.

So consumed in my thought I didn't realize her father was standing infront of me. He gave me a tissue to wipe my eyes and ask what happen. I told him everything I knew leaving out the part about her thinking im cheating. I don't need her parents believing that lie too.

He pats my back and says "go check on her. Talk to her. The doctor said she might be able to hear us and familiar voice might help her wake up." I look at the door then back at Mr. Johnson, I still don't think I can do it but I know I have to.

We goes inside and I nearly breaks down. My baby girl is just laying with a bandage around her head, a cast on her left arm and small cut all over her body. I take a seat next to her and grabs her hand. Her parent steps out to go gets some coffee but I think they just wanted to give me time alone with her.

"Bae I am so sorry this happened to you. I know why you left the way you did but let just say it's not true. I never cheated or told anyone we broke up. But i have been keeping something from you that may be the answer to this whole thing. I used to talk to the other Brittany. It was a while ago and nothing really happened between us but the way she been acting lately makes me think she's behind this" I wipes my eyes and rubs the back of her hand. God, I can't believe this is real.

"Baby just get better please. I need you. Your my best friend and girlfriend. You been in my life for what feels like forever and I can't picture my life without you now. Your so precious to me sexy. I need you to wake up for me"
I try to stop crying but the tear just keep flowing.

"I love you baby girl. I love you so much"

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