Chapter One

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Violet's POV

Violet's outfit

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Violet's outfit

I sat in my cage in my very scandalous outfit. The owner of the pet store forced us to wear revealing clothes. He said it made us more buyable.

I'd been here for about a month. I was weak beyond belief. I'm almost drained. They tell all vampires that I'm the most common blood type which is O postive. I'm actually the rarest blood type which is AB negative.

The bell rings signaling someone entered. I sat there. I knew I wouldn't be bought. When they say I'm O positive all vampires turn away.

I could feel a powerful look on me. I look up and meet eyes with a female vampire. This chick was hot like so hot I thought I might pass out. Then again most vampires are super hot.

Our eyes lock I noticed a bright red in her eyes. Normally vampires have red eyes when they feed. When there not feeding there a normal color. Though when they eat there dark red. So what's bright red?

The boss comes out. He sees her and bows. What the fuck? He doesn't normally do that.

I sigh and glace at my bowl of food. The female looks at him with power. Who is she? Why do I feel so pulled twords her?

Questions flood my head. I shrug it off there questions that will never be awnsered.

"Your majesty." The owner greets.

I scoff drawling attention to myself. The owner glares at me.

"I'm sorry she will be punished for her disrespect." The owner apologizes.

I'm almost a hundred percent sure he's gonna drain me entirely. Hey perks for me puts me out of my missory.

I was shocked when the vampire walked twords me. She bends down to my cage.

"What's her name?" She asked.

"Your majesty. I insist you don't look into a disobedient pet with only O positive."The owner says to keep her from buying me.

"I will look into and do what I please. Now what's her name?" The vampire growls.

"Her name is unknown. We just call her worthless." He lies about my name.

"That's very uncalled for I believe." The vampire says.

She sticks her finger in through the bars. I scoot away from it. She smirks and pulls her finger away.

"How much is she?" The vampire asked.

"Your majesty-" The owner tries to plead.

"Shut up!" She growls.

All the pets begin to whimper. His mouth immediately closes.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" The female asked walking twords him.

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