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A/N:I'm doing a double update today, because this book is #2 in Seungjin!

Hyunjin's P.O.V

"Ah shit!" I yelled when I felt my pocket and realized my wallet was missing. I started to walk back toward the restaurant. By the time I had discovered that my wallet was missing I had already made it 3 blocks from the place I had eaten with Seungmin.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket, telling me that I had a notification. I grabbed it out of my pocket while still walking back toward the cafe. Chan had texted me to tell me that someone had taken pictures of me and Seungmin while we were together and it was all over the place online.

I cursed myself for being so reckless, especially with someone as precious and pure as Kim Seungmin. I'd hate to have him be exposed to my world and have to deal with media and fans, not to mention all the rumors that had no doubt already started to circle all around the place. My fingers typed a reply to Chan Hyung and then I texted my manager while still walking, telling him to address the rumors and tell them that he is a work colleague.

When I turned the last corner to the restaurant, I saw something that made me stop in my tracks. There was a group of girls surrounding a boy. One of them was restraining him while another beat him up and three others just watched and recorded, shouting encouragement to the girls hurting him, and yelling horrific insults at the poor boy.

"Hey, stop that!" I yelled, putting my phone away and running toward them to help the boy. "Why are you hurting him? Do you think it's fair to have five against one?" As soon as the girls turned and saw who I was they literally dropped the boy, letting him sink to the concrete and moving to block him from my view.

"Oppa!" The prettiest one of the group exclaimed, a blush evident on her face. "We were just telling him to stay away from you. You don't want to be seen hanging around with a vile creature like that." She said, staring at the ground.

"I'm not your Oppa!" I said, and then I saw the pink coat and white hat on the ground and realized who they had been beating up. "Move now, or I'll move you!" I snarled and they scattered, revealing Seungmin.

He was in extremely bad shape and there was blood staining his white shirt. He lifted his scratched up face to look at me and when his teary eyes met mine, I felt my heart break. "Hyunjin!" He sobbed his voice cracking, and he winced when his sobbing hurt his abdomen.

"Minnie baby!" I said, my voice sounding so different from a few seconds ago that it shocked even me. I crouched down and grabbed his hat and coat, handing them to him and then scooping him up bridal style. He winced and I whooshed him, cooing and placing a kiss on his dirty forehead.

I turned around and all the girls were staring at the ground, avoiding my gaze. "How dare you touch him! How dare you call him terrible names! I'm ashamed that creatures like you are my fans. He is a better person than you could ever be, and if you ever lay a hand on him, or talk to him, ever again, it will be the last thing you ever do. Do you understand?" I screamed at the girls, and Seungmin snuggled into my chest.

"Yes." The one in front said, still refusing to make eye contact.

"Leave!" I said, but they still stood there. "Now! I'm tired of looking at you." I spat, hoping that my threats were enough to keep my precious Minnie safe. "Gorgeous, are you alright?" I cooed at Min, my eyes full of concern for the barely conscious boy in my arms.

He nodded, but I wasn't convinced, so I kept questioning him. "Do you need to go to the hospital? Do you want to press charges?" I asked him quietly, trying to soothe him and stop his sobs. He shook his head at both.

"Are you sure?" I asked and he looked up at me with an ashamed expression.

"I don't want the doctor, or the police, to know that I got beat up this badly by a teenage girl, and that I was too much of a coward to run away." He said, looking away from me to bury his face in my chest in embarrassment.

"Look at me, Minnie." I told him and continued once he listened. "You were ganged up on and those girls were evil. I promise to never leave you again, ok?" I said and he nodded, shyly putting his head on my shoulder as I walked us to my car.

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