Bonus Chapter 5

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Seungmin's P.O.V

"Hyunnie! Could you go any slower?" I groaned, impatient tapping my foot on the floor of the car. He turned to glare at me, his eyebrows raised at me, looking extremely done with my obnoxious antics.

"I can't just drive over the other cars, baby, calm down." Hyunjin said in a soft voice, amusement hinting at me through his tone. He reached his hand over and placed it one my thigh, trying to stop my knee from jerking.

"Appa! Please don't hurry! I don't wanna new baby!" Cho-Hae yelled, her voice full of seriousness. I looked back and saw my adorable daughter looking genuinely sad about her soon to be born sibling. "I want to be the baby forever." She said, crossing her arms and looking very much like her other dad when he got stubborn
(which was often).

"Hae Hae," I began, turning to face her in my seat and trying to use a soothing voice. "You will always be our baby. Even if your new sibling is younger than you, we will always love and spoil you just the same. I know a new baby might mean we have less time for you, but we will try to give you as much attention as possible, okay?" I asked her and she nodded solemnly, pouting her small, full lips.

"And how do you think Kkami felt when we brought you home?" Hyunjin added, bringing a tiny grin to our toddler's face. "Or uncle Woojin when Dada was born?" He asked making a vomiting gesture and getting a laugh from Cho-Hae.

"I guess it's okay if I get to boss the baby around like Uncie does to Dada." She stated, making it seem like she was very torn about it. "But babies are so annoying!" Cho complained, as if she just bow was remembering this fact. "Especially Uncle Jeongin's baby! He smells, too!" She said, copying her dads earlier barfing motion.

I chuckled at how silly she was and reached back to ruffle her hair. "Yes, the baby will be stinky and loud, but the baby also can play with you and even talk to you once they're old enough." I assured her, turning around to face the front once our car started to move.

"Finally!" I groaned, purposely trying to annoy my husband. He smirked at me and shook his head as he pulled into the hospital parking lot. I already called Felix and he's in the waiting room to watch Cho-Hae." I told Felix and Cho let out a tiny little cheer, since Felix was her favorite uncle.

We all got out of the car and I grabbed the new baby's bag and Hyunjin got Cho-Hae and her things. She seemed to have moved on from her fit, the idea of Felix watching her being a more pressing matter in her mind. As we walked into the hospital, I couldn't seem to wipe the smile from my face.

"You go drop her off with Felix and Yongbin, I'll go to the room with Seulgi." I told him and he nodded. I walked over and placed a kiss on my daughter's head and then walked toward the room our surrogate was giving birth in.

I followed the numbers on the wall, and the sounds of screaming, to get to Seulgi's room. I walked into the room and her gaze softened when her eyes met mine. Over the past three years we had gotten to know her very well, and Cho-Hae even called her Aunt GiGi.

As quickly as possible, I rushed to her side and took a seat in the chair by her bed. She looked at me and I reached for her hand, knowing that she would need to squeeze it. "Thank you for doing this again, GiGi." I said to her with a smile, trying to soothe her. She wasn't in much pain since she had gotten an epidural, but I'm sure it still wasn't easy.

"Of course Seungmin. I mean why stop at one when the kids we have are so precious?" She joked, having a contraction at the end and squeezing my hand tightly. I smiled at her with a huge grin, knowing that she knew just how sassy Cho-Hae could get sometimes.

"Okay you're going to need to push." The doctor said and Seulgi nodded, looking at me for support.

"You got this." Said my husband from by the door he had just entered through. Seulgi smiled and then began to push, breathing heavily. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes as she panted. "Great job." Hyunjin told her, walking over to stand next to me and putting his hand on her shoulder.

"One more push, Seulgi, I can see the baby's head." The doctor said with a big smile. Hyunjin began to cry silent tears of joy and I walked around to watch the baby be born. As soon as I looked, I saw the baby's black hair covered head and I felt like crying, too.

Seulgi pushed once more and yelled in pain. I saw the rest of my baby appear and then the tiny human began to cry. I looked at Hyunjin and he met my eyes with a look of relief on his face that the baby was healthy.

"Good job, Seulgi. It's a perfect baby boy!" The doctor said and held up the crying baby boy. He was adorable, and looked a lot like me when I was a baby. The doctor asked us to cut the cord, and Hyunjin and I did it together.

"What's his name?" The doctor asked, looking to all of us for an answer. I gave Hyunjin a grin and then he rolled his eyes. Seulgi let out a laugh that sounded a little bit pained, and rightfully so.

"His name is Chan-Hee." I said proudly as the doctor cleaned the baby's mouth and nose. I gave Seulgi a big, but gentle, hug before the doctor handed her the baby to hold. She held him for a while before passing him to me with a soft chuckle.

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