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Jungkook hummed as he circled his finger on the rim of one of Jin's colored mugs. Actually seeing, and seeing color on top of that, was quite intriguing to Jungkook. His parents had only been able to describe what colors felt like. Even then, some they couldn't get quite right.

"Hey, Taehyung." He hummed. 

"Yeah?" Taehyung turned to face the younger.

"What are colors like to you?" Jungkook asked. 

Taehyung tilted his head, a small amount of worry. "Colors are colors..." 

Jungkook chuckled. "Yes, but what do they feel like to you? When I was blind, my parents tried their best to explain what colors felt like." 

"Can you elaborate further?" Taehyung asked taking a seat next to Jungkook. 

"Well... For example, they had me lay down in the grass. They said green was nature, a symbol of new life. The feeling of grass tickling hands and leaves falling on top of you." Jungkook tapped the green mug he held. "For blue, they had me put my hand in the water. They said that blue felt like relaxation, the sounds of ocean waves crashing against the shore. Which is why blue is my favorite color." 

Taehyung smiled as he listened to the younger, he was able to tell when Jungkook was thinking of things, as he closed his eyes when he did. "What else?" He asked curiously. "What about red?"

"For red, they took me out barefoot on a hot summer day. They said the feeling of hot asphalt against my feet and the sun on my skin was what red felt like. Hot and burning. Similarly, they said orange was like fire. How you would cozy up to a fire in the winter and hear it crackle and feel the warmth flicker against your skin." Jungkook hummed as he looked outside. Even all the imagining and feeling of the world couldn't compare to what he actually saw after he met Taehyung. 

Taehyung kept smiling as he listened to Jungkook, he loved talking to him. Sure he had silly childhood stories to tell but for Jungkook, they were so different than a normal person's stories. There wasn't the visual aspect of people's stories, which gave you more feelings and more imagination. "I would take a lot of pictures, so I could look back on my life after I met my soulmate, but in color." 

"Oh! I used to film everything too! I haven't done it in a while though! I stopped in high school." Jungkook clapped excitedly. 

"We are going to have to look through all the photos and videos later!" Taehyung suggested. 

"Yes!" Jungkook quickly agreed. 

"Anyway. What other colors were there?" Taehyung asked resting his chin on the palm of his hand, trying to think of other colors they hadn't gone over. "What about... Yellow?" 

Jungkook smiled, glad Taehyung seemed interested in the topic. "Yellow felt like the sun, but not in the way that red felt like the sun. In a more positive way. It felt more bright, the source of sunlight. That's what yellow meant to me." 

Taehyung quickly glanced around the kitchen to think of more. Eyes landing on Jin's pink oven mitts. "What about pink?" 

Jungkook thought for a moment recalling what his parents had told him about pink. "Pink felt like a blush on your cheeks when you were embarrassed. You know like when my parents would flirt while my friends were over. Or how you get flushed after working out really hard." Jungkook chuckled at the memories. 

"They aren't really colors but what about black and white?" Taehyung hummed. 

"Black felt like darkness or the absence of light. That scary feeling of being lonely. Or asking your parents to check for monsters under your bed. Black felt like fear... Fear that I'd never see again... Or be happy... Because everything was dark..." Jungkook mumbled as his face dropped. 

Taehyung was quick to cup his cheeks and give the younger kisses to cheer him up. "Don't worry. I'm here to protect you now. Nothing can hurt you." He smiled with his box smile that could light up a room. 

Jungkook smiled back at him. "And... White felt like a light. Or something bright, shining in your face. Like the flash of a phone camera. It also felt like purity, like how my mom explained that typically a white wedding dress is reserved for virgin brides and then I almost threw up when she started explaining what virginity was." Jungkook shuddered for a moment before continuing. "And nostalgia. White feels like childhood innocence. Before you realize how cruel the world could be sometimes. And now that I think of it... There was one color they could never explain to me." 

Taehyung tilted his head as he gave Jungkook an intrigued gaze. "And what was that?"

"Purple..." Jungkook hummed. "They could never quite explain the feeling of purple to me. So... Taehyung... What does purple mean to you?" Jungkook asked wanting an answer from Taehyung this time instead. 

Taehyung smiled and thought for a moment. "To me... Purple means to love and trust. Purple is the last color of the rainbow. So depending on how you look at it... Purple holds all colors. And purple is rare are hard to find, like finding someone you can love and trust forever. And purple is a combination of red and blue, so in a way, the two of us are purple. I represent red and warm colors, and you represent blue and cool colors. Because red and blue always make purple.

"So I guess what I'm saying is you're my purple Jungkook. You are someone I can love and trust, for a long time, forever. And I couldn't see purple without you, and your half of the spectrum. I purple you. I love and trust you forever. Because you should never feel alone, you belong to me, and I belong to you." Taehyung smiled looking back up to meet Jungkook's doe eyes. 

Jungkook smiled, the bottom of his eyes puffing up as they brimmed with happy tears. "I purple you too Taehyung."


Y'all need some tissues? 


I love it so much, it's my baby. (This whole account is my baby tho-) 

As soon as I had the idea I knew I needed to do it. And I just love it so much. 

I feel like crying, I'm so soft for this book. I don't want it to end...

Which is why I've been planning something for after the book is completed... Cause I just love this story THAT much. 

It has to end but I can't let it die. 

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