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Realizing I have to figure out how to write THREE speeches for wedding vows instead of two. ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)


Jimin adjusted his tie as he looked in the mirror. He couldn't wait to meet Hoseok and Yoongi outside. Jimin's head flicked around at the sound of quiet crying. "Jungkook?" 

"I just never thought I'd be able to see you get married," Jungkook muttered as he hugged the shorter male.

"I thought I'd never be able to see you get married. And I didn't." Jimin joked patting the younger on the back. "Cause you ran off to Japan."

"IT WAS SPONTANEOUS AND I LOVE HIM!" Jungkook was quick to shout back. He quickly wiped off his face and showed Jimin a smile. "You look great Chim."

"Thank you, Kooks." 

 "Okay now after the ceremony you need to go back to the hotel and have the best sex you've ever had in your life."

"TAEHYUNG!" Yoongi snapped at the younger. 

"Just saying." Taehyung shrugged. "And don't worry about not getting any sleep. Just sleep on the plane to wherever your honeymoon is!"

"It's in Hong Kong." Yoongi hummed as he fixed his hair, his usually messy hair was straightened and styled by Taehyung.

Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows at his friend. "Oh. So you are sending them to Hong Kong in more ways than one~"


"I'm honored that you picked me to be your best man Hoseok." Namjoon hummed.

"Yeah, of course, Namjoon! You're a great friend!" Hoseok smiled. 

Namjoon smiled as he showed his dimples. "I just expected you to pick your sister." 

Hoseok shrugged. "But you're a great friend. Besides, Jiwoo already helped writing my wedding vows."

"Oh yeah! You guys wrote all your own vows! What do you think the other's vows will be like?" Namjoon hummed.

Hoseok felt the crinkled notebook paper in his pocket. He worried that his vows weren't good enough, they were rather short, but he hoped they were enough. Hoseok knew Yoongi wrote and composed music so he was expecting some long elaborate speech from him. 

The trio had come to some type of agreement on the wedding they wanted. It was in a remote area like Yoongi wanted. The reception was small and limited to close friends and family as Hoseok wanted. However... Jimin was allowed to plan the afterparty... So... They'd just have to wait to see how that went...

After the mess of getting everyone to the alter and doing a weird hand-holding circle, it was time to read the vows.

Jimin wanted to go first, holding an index card in his hand. "The love you guys have shown me is beyond anything my childhood self could dream up. Literally... I only dreamt up the love of one person..." A few people chuckled before Jimin continued. "It's heartwarming genuine and fierce. Sometimes all at once. At the same time, your love as taught me to find what I spent so long searching for within myself. Because of you guys... I laugh. I smile. I dare to dream more than I ever have. Thank you, thank you for the miracle of having both of you. You both are and always will be, the loves of my life. My soulmates." 

Everyone clapped and cooed before quieting down for Hoseok's vows. 

"For my vows... I will make a promise to you both... Okay... Uh- Here it goes..." Hoseok muttered as his hands shook. Yoongi and Jimin gave him comforting smiles and Jiwoo gave him a thumbs up from her seat in the first row. Hoseok took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts. "I promise to be spontaneous. I promise to cherish each moment. To be fair. To be willing to try new things. To witness your beautiful lives. To always take time for us. To dream with you. To be your biggest fan. To laugh together. To encourage you to chase your dreams. And lastly... I promise to love you both, with actions not just words." 

Everyone clapped again, Jiwoo clapping louder than everyone as tears brimmed her eyes. 

Yoongi smiled as he brought a small handful on papers ripped off of a legal pad. "Everyone get comfortable." He informed as everyone chuckled, not realizing just how serious Yoongi was. "It has been long in coming to this day. For whatever reason, fate has chosen to delay this union several times. But I believe everything has a reason. I believe the reason, in this case, is to show me just how much you both mean to me. My life had been incomplete when I only met one of you. It became more so when I did and today finally completes the journey. Making my soul whole for the first time in my life.

"You both have brought out the very best in me and I promise you that I will never falter in my love for either of you. I will love you. I will protect you. I will cherish you. And I will respect you. I will always be faithful and honest. Not only in this life but long after our souls have left our vacant bodies and this world has become nothing but a distant memory. 

"I recognize that your needs are as important as mine. I will laugh with you when times are happy. And endure everything with you when times are bad. I can't wait to grow old with both of you, getting to know more about you every single day. And fall more deeply in love with you more every single day. Today I give you my hand, my heart, and my love. Without condition. Completely and forever." Yoongi finished with his gummy smile. Jimin and Hoseok both jumped on the older with hugs and kisses.

The guests gave a collective chuckle after silently shedding tears for Yoongi's whole speech. 

The trio exchanged rings and shared a kiss before heading to the after-party. 

There were a few things they all agreed on. As many photos as possible. And have a huge fucking cake. 


Yoongi chuckled as he looked down at his slice of cake. "I'm starting to regret letting Jimin plan the afterparty..." 

"Oh don't say that! I think it's great!" Hoseok smiled as he kissed Yoongi's cheek. 

Just as Hoseok finished his sentence the cloth hanging from the ceiling was pulled away, dropping hundreds upon hundreds of balloons on the dance floor. Along with a shit load of glitter.

"Jimin! Are you serious?" Yoongi huffed trying to shake the glitter off his cake.

"Don't worry! I used the edible kind!" Jimin chirped.

"Jimin my shit will be sparkly for months if I ingest this," Yoongi complained, even though he wasn't truly mad at the younger. How could he be? It was their wedding night. And little flakes of glitter falling out of Jimin's hair and shinning as the flashing lights hit them was an incredible sight to see. 

"Hoseokie! Come on let's dance!" Jimin excitedly giggled. 

Hoseok quickly got up and pulled Yoongi along with them. "Come on Hyung you too!"

"Guys, I can't dance don't make me embarrass myself!" Yoongi complained again, although his gummy smile never left his face. 


The amount of wedding vows I have written for books-

Bruh by the time I finally write my own I'm going to be out of ideas. 

Also the next chapter might not be out tomorrow because it's really, really, long. So... :)

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