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"I can't believe you went back to Busan without telling me!" Jimin yelled at Jungkook. "AND WENT TO JAPAN WITHOUT TELLING ME-"

Some time had passed and now the trios house was fully furnished. Hoseok had transferred to a dance studio in Seoul, and Yoongi worked a basic day job. Taehyung and Jungkook finally got back from Japan.

And they were married.


Jin was equally as pissed off, some of his anger at Taehyung and Jungkook, some at Namjoon. "I HAVE BEEN ENGAGED FOR OVER A YEAR! HOW COME THEY GET MARRIED FIRST?" Jin fumed. 

Taehyung and Jungkook were unbothered. They didn't go off to Japan with the intention to get married, it just ended up happening. Taehyung saw the set of rings and spontaneously bought them for Jungkook as they went to get married the very same day. 

Taehyung's ring was black tungsten with a purple stripe down the center. While Jungkook's was a nice deep purple-tinted tungsten, a lighter purple on the inside of the ring.

 While Jungkook's was a nice deep purple-tinted tungsten, a lighter purple on the inside of the ring

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Jungkook admired the ring on his finger as he snuggled close to Taehyung

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Jungkook admired the ring on his finger as he snuggled close to Taehyung. "Sorry, guess Taehyung just loves me the most."

The trio rolled their eyes but Jin let out a loud gasp. "NAMJOON!"

"Uh... Yeah?" Namjoon questioned.

"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Jin declared. 

"Yes, we are getting married-"

"NO!" Jin quickly cut his fiance off. "I MEAN TODAY! WE ARE GETTING MARRIED TODAY!"

"Wait Jin-"


Namjoon gave a tired sigh, knowing he wasn't going to win the battle. He then smiled and joined his hand with Jin's. "If that's what you wish baby. We can get married today." 

Jin smiled as he joined his lips with Namjoon's. 

Everyone else made fake gagging noises as it felt like watching their parents make-out.

"OH GROW UP!" Jin snapped as the group chuckled. 

Namjoon and Jin had matching rings. The only difference was that Jin had a green gem set in his. Because he "liked pretty things because they reminded him of himself."

The trio was happy for their friends but they couldn't help but wonder what their own wedding would be like

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The trio was happy for their friends but they couldn't help but wonder what their own wedding would be like. Of course, they all had different ideas running through their heads.

Jimin wanted a huge expensive fairytale wedding. Sequins and silks and satin fancy food. A massive cake with at least seven layers, each one being a different type of cake. Maybe start with vanilla and chocolate, then red velvet and cookies and cream! Lemon cake and buttermilk cake too! EVEN PEANUT BUTTER CAKE! But those with allergies could simply enjoy a different layer that wasn't touching the peanut butter layer! CAUSE THE CAKE WOULD BE THAT BIG! And they could have mini creme brulee deserts!  

The venue would have to be huge and they'd have to get a limo! Or a party bus! Or both! Roses and sunflowers and peonies would be scattered around the reception. Jimin loved lilies as well. Every flower! Balloons needed to rain down from the sky!

The afterparty would be epic! Flashing lights and awesome music! Photographers to take their pictures! A full liquor bar! A huge dance floor so he and Hoseok could show off their dance moves. He wanted the wedding to be a truly unforgettable experience. Something so amazing that everyone in the country- No! THE WORLD! Would envy! The wedding had to be gorgeous and filled with pizazz! There needed to be so much glitter you'd still find it years later.

AND NOT TO MENTION THE HONEYMOON! He wanted the honeymoon to be the most romantic week of his entire life. With cute events with the two, he loved before going back to a lavish hotel to make love all night. 

Hoseok was thinking of a simpler approach. A moderate-sized wedding with close friends and family. Maybe a few fancy things here and there. He did want a giant cake because he loved sweets. He wanted the dogs to be included in the ceremony. Mickey was too small to do much but he figured Holly could carry the rings.

As cliche, as it sounded Hoseok, wanted a limo. Because when were you ever able to ride a limo besides on special occasions like your wedding? Unless you were some type of famous celebrity that made billions and traveled all over the globe and won award after award and broke record after record. But that would be crazy!

There needed to be dancing at his wedding. He was a dance teacher and dance was his life. Besides Jimin and Yoongi of course. He wanted pictures because he wanted a whole photo album, just for their wedding. A single detail must not be missed! The night was about making precious memories and taking pictures would mean that they would last longer. 

The honeymoon didn't need to be anything grand either. The most important thing was that he got to spend time with his soulmates and that they were all happy. Hoseok cared about Jimin and Yoongi so his version of a perfect wedding also meant whatever they wanted. Within reason of course...

Yoongi wasn't sure if he wanted a big ceremony. He was generally and quiet and private person so it made sense he wanted the wedding to be that way too. Because in Yoongi's mind streamers or a giant venue didn't matter because what did matter was Hoseok and Jimin. Just him and the two people he loved. 

The three of them had obviously different views, so they'd have to sort something out and reach a compromise. 


Me: I've done plenty of applications for stuff before! This will be fine! I'm independent!

Also me: *Calling my dad because I'm confused and on the verge of a mental breakdown* 

Also I've decided which fic is being posted after Colors is done. I'M STILL NOT READY-

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