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The 'feast' was apparently a big thing around here. She reckoned as much from the excitement of the siblings walking with her. She questioned what it was all about and they said that today was the 21st of June – widely known as the longest day of the year. In magic world, this day was considered somewhat of a new year. On this day, the course of action for the rest of the year was determined. There was a great feast in the dining hall – not a room, hall – and it was believed that on this day, the souls of the departed was the strongest.

"If you are a witch of good calibre, you can very well feel their presence in the hall and they bless us all during this feast. How the rest of the year would go is predicted on the omens one receives tonight by the ancestral ghosts." She remembered Ayden explaining. "Usually, there are omens which would apply to everyone, because the events that happen are something that would indicate effect on the whole community, but usually once or twice in a decade, the exceptionally powerful witches or wizards get a personal omen too."


"Exactly." Althea said and grinned at Brooke. Another question popped into the latter's mind and she wondered about it out loud.

"Did any of you two ever get an omen?"

"Ayden got one when he was like 8 or 9."

"So, it was like a decade ago." Ayden chimed in.

"What was it? Was it good?"

"It was really good. Umm... but never mind about it. I have never told anybody what it was." He said, his cheeks flushing and his hands pushing themselves in his pocket – a tell-tale sign of nervousness.

"Except for me, of course."

"Oh." That was everything Brooke managed to speak out. She knew Althea is his sister and that she didn't know either of them for more than a few hours but there was this burning sensation in her heart that she knew about it and Brooke didn't.

"Because you took poodle and forced it out of me! I would have never told you either." Ayden said, getting a little agitated.

"Well, I am your sister. I have the right to know."

"You don't –" Before Ayden could say something further, he got called by another man who looked to be in his mid to late 40s. Ayden mumbled a 'Be right back' and ran off in the man's direction.


"His stuffed panda. A bit ironic don't you think?" Brooke heard Althea say and they shared a laugh. They came to a stop in front of a cottage sort of build which Brooke had never seen before. It was one from the cluster of buildings which was on the east foot of the mansion. These people had a really vast land to themselves, she remembered herself thinking.

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