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The tunnel was dark

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The tunnel was dark. It was long, smelly and dark. She would have had absolutely no idea about where she was headed if she hadn't had the torch-light she had kept in her back-pack. She didn't know what to make of this tunnel and so, the only thing she could do was go on and see what happened.

Minutes or hours later – there was no way of saying how much time had passed – she came to a sudden halt in her steps. Looking down, she realised it. There was a huge pit fall, not two steps in front of her. If she hadn't stopped, she would have definitely fallen. She looked straight ahead but she couldn't see anything. It was all darkness. Then, out of nowhere, came a low raspy voice – a voice she had heard before – the voice of her twin sister, Cordelia.

"Jump. The way ahead is not the right one. You must jump to get to me. The path straight ahead is a trap. You must jump." She kept repeating the same thing. Brooke was beyond confused. There was no telling how far that pit went and it could be really fatal to jump down there without any idea about it. She didn't want to die before even confronting Morana. So, she followed her instinct and chose to trust Cordelia's voice. She jumped.

There was absolutely no way of telling as to how deep the fall was, but Brooke was positive that she had been falling for at least four minutes. Finally, the ground started to come into view. She was approaching ground fast and so, she tried to take aid of air. She pushed her hands forward and blast a wave of air in order to break her fall, but since she was tumbling down the pit, at the last second, her body turned upwards so when the spell worked, instead of falling down gently, she fell with a mighty thud and gruesome crack.

She groaned loudly in pain. Her insides were burning up with its own personal volcano and her sight was compromised to be replaced with phosphenes. When her head stopped spinning with the gravity of a spinning top, she noticed her surroundings for the first time. The place she had seen in her dream. The room – if you could call it that – was covered in a blood red light and the walls were completely rock. But the real shock came when she looked down. It wasn't rock all around. She fell on about a rock that was about 10 feet in diameter. Beyond that rock, it was pure lava.

Brooke shrieked in surprise and looked about properly for the first time. Somehow, she was inside the volcano. She had no idea how she got there, but somehow, she had and this is where it all stood. She peered in the distance to see a very thin and narrow streak of white light. It was a crack in between the rocks. As of now, she had no other option but to pursue that path. At first, she thought that she would have to find a way to open up the crack further by magic whilst making sure she didn't blow up the whole place and die, but as she got closer, she realised that the crack was actually big enough for her to slide through with very minimum trouble.

As she manipulated the air and went through the crack, on the other side, she found a similar setting. The same white rocks and lava. She was confused and felt as if there was no other way out, until yet another voice struck in the air – a new and different voice.

"Well, hello. I see you managed to survive the fall and everything." Morana.

"Where is my sister?" Brooke seethed, trying to locate the voice as her insides burned with a different fire all together, one of rage.

"Very close now. You just have to find the centre of the maze." As she said it, the ground shifted and rumbled. In front of her, stood now high and wide, a maze. A maze with tall blocks of rock.

"Why should I do that? It could be a trap."

"Oh, it is. But if you want your sister to live and breathe, you have to do this." She voiced, which was followed by an evil cackle before it was complete silence.

"No. There must be another way." She said and turned around, determined to find an alternative, but was found by a solid rock wall. The crack was gone. Brooke screamed in rage and stomped her foot on the current rock she was standing on, which was a very bad decision. The rock sank almost two feet into the lava and some of it splashed on Brooke's clothes, burning them in the process and Brooke barely managed it from burning her skin.

Close call.

Note to self: Don't stomp your foot on the rocks when you are in a volcano..

She looked around and let out a groan and then a sigh. There was no other way out from here and climbing or flying up to safety was definitely not an option. The heat from the lava, on the other hand, was getting more and more difficult to bear and the smoke was getting thicker. Brooke figured that the only option left with her was to pass through the maze.

She extended her palms to the ground in an attempt to lift her up so that she could locate her way around the maze relatively quickly, but as she tried to do so, nothing happened. She did not feel the familiar tingly senses in her gut and she couldn't place the image in her mind to help her do so. She realized with a jolt that the witch had taken her powers.

How had she done that?! Another grunt of annoyance and pain as well as a realization that she had no choice whatsoever, she stepped into the maze. It was obviously impossible to tell where she was going and so, she did the only sensible thing that came to her in the moment and that was sticking to the right side of the rock walls, that way, she would be able to navigate her way through the maze.

Brooke decided to keep to her right so that if she needed to find her way back, it wouldn't be too difficult for her. As she maneuvered around the maze, she came across a four-way crossing and as she had decided, turned right, which was a mistake. As soon as she turned, she realized why. There was a big boulder in the way blocking the path ahead. Dead end. But before she could turn around and decide which way to pursue, the boulder moved of its own accord. Before she knew it, there was a humongous rock giant standing in front of her.

She turned around to run and as she ran straight ahead, a big chunk of rock came flying over her head and smashed barely five feet in front of her. The surface surrounding the fallen rock started to crumble and lava started to spurt out if the cracks. Brooke unwillingly muttered a flair of curses and as swiftly as she could, jumped over the crumbling spot and managed to the other side of it before the cracks widened even further and restricted her to do so.

The thing was, on top of her being inside a freaking volcano, running on a rock surface that could collapse at literally any moment and that she was running away from a stupid rock giant who didn't understand the delicacy of the rock surface, it was no easy task running with one of your legs probably being broken at the ankle.

She didn't wait to see what the giant's reaction was and started running again. Without even turning around, she knew that the giant was still pursuing her because she could hear the strange noise of rock clashing against rock and much to her annoyance, it was causing the whole place to crumble away.

When she was partly sure that she had left the giant somewhat behind, she quickly took out the remaining crumbs of nectar in her now-ruined backpack and gulped it down with a swift sip of water. She walked some more and when she stopped, she found herself in the centre if the maze. The bad thing was, she had no idea where she had taken what turn in which direction and how she had reached to the centre and so, there was going to be a lot of trouble getting out of the maze. But, on the flip side, she found her twin sister there.






~Tii <3

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