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Sylvia had no idea as to how long she had been walking for or how far she had walked on. She just knew that she had to find Ruan and she was, in her opinion, using every resource at her disposal to do so. But, she still couldn't find him. The confusing part was that she knew that though he had been flicked high into the sky by the hydra head and even though the fall must have been so very severe, he couldn't have gone this far. She was positive that something was very wrong right here, but she couldn't put a pin on what it was.

She had walked on for a long time, calling out to Ruan and trying to think of a way to find him. She came to a stop at one point and sat down on the ground, with her elbows resting on her knees and her hands both covering and supporting her face. She rubbed the palms of her hands across her face and she tried to decide the course of action now. At some distant part of her mind, she knew that they had made a very, very bad decision in separating, because Morana was one strong witch and they had basically served her their heads on a plate by what they had done, but there was no other sensible option as well.

With a sigh, she took her head out of her hands and dug them into the earth. It calmed down her senses for some reason and then, imagining Ruan's face in her head, she asked for assistance from the earth. She was trying to do a location spell of sorts to figure out in what direction she should be heading to locate her boyfriend, but instead, when she opened her eyes and actually found a nature spirit standing in front her.

She immediately got to her feet and bowed down a little. She had heard from her father that one should always bow down to a nature spirit when they appear to you on their own accord, because it means that they have taken the time to get away from their natural habitat – wherever that may be – and come to the magician just to guide them regarding their problems. So, Sylvia took care of that fact and made sure to respect the nature spirit. The spirit smiled.

"I sense your trouble, child, and I see that you want to earnestly help your friends and loved ones. That is why I have decided to assist you."

"I appreciate it, kind spirit. I thank you for the same."

"The answer to your question and troubles, lies within you."

"Sorry, what?"

"The last piece of the puzzle that you are looking for, that will help you complete the puzzle and make sense of what is going on around you, is already known to you. You have heard about it, you have seen it with your own eyes, you just need your brain to take that piece of information out from within and present it in front of you. I wish you the best of luck. I bless you, so that you may succeed in finding what it is that you are looking for."

With that, the spirit disappeared again. Sylvia could not understand what had just transpired in front of her, and it took her a minute or two to piece it together. But when she did, it all came rushing back to her and she thought back to the incident in a flash back.


Sylvia lay on the ground, curled up into a ball, afraid that the demons would harm her even more. She did not have any sort of energy left with her to do anything except for listen, the demons and the odd shape-shifting demon had exhausted her in every which way possible, and she was so exhausted, she could barely keep her eyes open to make sure she didn't slip away from consciousness, and she knew she was really, really close.

She tilted her head towards the sky and looked at the scene conspiring in front of her. The demons did not know that Sylvia was conscious, because as exhausted and blank her mind was at the moment, she had made sure she acted unconscious, so that there may be a little of her catching on to some vital piece of information. It looked, at the moment, that her plan had worked, because from the look in the demons' faces, they were very much terrified of something, or rather someone.

Turning her attention back to the scene unfolding in front of her, she noticed the inkling of fright in the demons' features. Their legs (or hooves, take your pick) were slightly shaking from fear and the odd shape-shifting demon was pacing back and forth in front of the goat demons, who were standing in a line. He was in human form and as of now, his face looked to be livid with anger.

"What are you going to do with her now? Kill her, so that master would get mad at us and kill us as well? Or let her be for her friends to discover her and for them to come and kill you for kidnapping her in the first place? Can you not do one thing properly? The master is going to have all your hides. He specifically said the water elementalist! Not the metal elementalist, you baboons!!"

If Sylvia would have had the energy to do so, she would have definitely laughed at the irony, but alas, she didn't. She figured that they had meant to kidnap Brooke – to state the obvious – but what she couldn't understand was as to who this 'master' was. The way the demon mentioned 'he', made her think that they were facing more than just Morana in the coming future.


Sylvia's mind came back to the present. She remembered the whole incident clearly. She now knew that there was definitely something much bigger than Morana that lay on their path going ahead, but that wasn't the thing that concerned her at the moment. It was the other thing that her memory brought back to her that worried her out of her mind.

The whole thing was still a little blurry, but as she concentrated harder, almost to the extent that she felt a headache cascading upon her, she remembered it. Her eyes opened up in shock, fury and worry at the same time. She had to make a decision, and she had to make it quick. The words 'possession' and 'link' were flowing about in her head, mocking her into realization.

"No, no, no, no, no!"

Before she could act on what she had just remembered, a loud and painful scream pierced through the air – a scream she knew to be Brooke's, and she ran towards the scream, feeling guilty that it took them coming this far for her to remember the most important detail of the whole quest – the information whose lack could very well mean the death of her friend.







~Tii <3

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